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Adolfo Guzmán Arenas

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Work listed by area

SUMMARY. In order to better understand the structure and interrelation between these works, they are listed by  research  topics, with a brief description. The numbers of the references are the numeration of the papers  written by author. See the full list of publications.

1. Convert, language for symbolic manipulation
2. Decomposition of a visual scene in tri-dimensional bodies
3. Geographical database 
4. P. R. Remote perception: analysis of satellite images
5. AHR: parallel computer to process symbolic languages
6. Description of forms by means of form numbers
7. Digital models of the land
8. Hierarchical machines for parallel processing
9. Representation of the knowledge in cyc
10. Visual language to describe parallel processes
11. Work flow, of documents, business processes
12. Trees k-d 
13. Anasin, intelligent analyzer-synthesizer. Data stores 
14. Data mining
15. Clasitex. Finding the main topics of an Spanish article 
16. Eva: virtual learning spaces- software for non presential education
17. Inter-science
18. Interaction directed between proposal agents
19. Semantic processing. Confusion in hierarchies. Measurement of inconsistency. The best model that fits a set of qualitative facts. See publications in 2004 and 2005.

1. Convert, language for symbolic manipulation 

It was developed the  the CONVERT language [4, 6, 7], to manipulate symbols. It is implemented as an interpreter on Lisp. This was the Bachelour thesis  A. Guzmán, directed by Harold V. McIntosh. CONVERT works with patterns into an expression, which compares against another expression (the "work space") that contains solely constants. The patterns contain free variables that can take values, in order to join. A pattern join with an expression if there is a valid assignment of values to the pattern's variables.

The language was used for McIntosh for algebras of groups applied to physics problems. Also, R. Segovia used Convert to make compilers, and Gerardo Cisneros for a REC compiler. Other applications of CONVERT are to analyze scenes containing drawings with llines  (in “vector maner”, it would be said ho) [8, 9, 10, 11, 18], and to find trajectories in a graph [13].

3. McIntosh, H.V., Barberan, J. and Guzmán, A.  LISP Conversion.  Program Note #3,  CINVESTAV, I. P. N..  February 1965.

4. Guzmán, A. CONVERT-Diseño de un lenguaje para manipulación de símbolos, y su correspondiente intérprete.  (En español, inglés y Braille).  Tesis de Licenciatura.  ESIME, I. P. N..  Cd. de México.  Agosto 1965.

* 5. Guzmán, A. TRACE Y HUSMEA: dos funciones LISP para depurar programas. Ciencias de la Información y Computación 1, Junio 1966.

6. Guzmán, A. and McIntosh, H.V. A Program Feature for CONVERT.  Memorandum MAC M 305 (AI Memo 95).  Project MAC, M. I. T  April 1966.

* 7. Guzmán, A. and McIntosh H.V. “CONVERT” Communications of the ACM 9, 8.  August 1966.  604-415.  Also available as Memo MAC M 316 (AI Memo 99), M. I. T. June 1966.

8. Guzmán, A. Polybrick: Adventures in the domain of parallelepipeds. Memorandum Project MAC, MAC M 308 (AI Memo 96) M. I. T.  Mayo 1966.

9. Guzmán, A. Scene Analysis Using the Concept of Model.  Report 67-0133; Computer Corporation of America.  Cambridge, Mass.,  USA  January 1967.  AD-652-017.

10. Guzmán, A. A primitive Recognizer of Figures in a Scene. Memorandum Project MAC, MAC M 342 (AI Vision Memo 119) M. I. T.,  January 1967.

11. Guzmán, A. Some Aspects of Pattern Recognition by Computer. MasterÂ’s Thesis, Department of Electrical Engineering, M. I. T.,  February 1967.  AD-656-041. Also available as a Project MAC Technical Report,  MAC TR 37.

12. McIntosh H.V.and Guzmán, A. A Miscellany of CONVERT Programming. Project MAC Memorandum MAC M 346 (AI Memo 130) April 1967.

* 13. Guzmán, A. and McIntosh H.V. “Comments on ´All Paths Through a Maze´”.  Proceedings of the IEEE.  Vol. 55 No. 8, 1525-27.  August 1967.

* 14. Guzmán, A. and McIntosh, H.V. “Patterns and Skeletons in CONVERT”. In The Programming Language LISP: Its Operations and Applications, Vol. II; Berkeley, E. C. y Bobrow, D. G. (eds). MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass. 1969.

* 18. Guzmán, A. Object Recognition: Discovering the Parallelepipeds in a Visual Scene. Proceedings of the Second Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences. Universidad de Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii, January 1969, 479-482,  Western Periodicals Co.

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2. Decomposition of a visual scene in tri-dimensional bodies 

A program, called SEE [15, 16, 17, 19] it analyzes a scene and it decomposes it into the bodies that form it. These bodies are arbitrary polyhedrons. It uses a method of restrictions propagation.

15. Guzmán, A. Decomposition of a Visual Scene into Bodies. Project MAC Memoramdum MAC M 357 (AI Memo 139). MIT, September 1967.

* 16. Guzmán, A. Decomposition of a Visual Scene into Three-dimensional Bodies. Proceedings of the AFIPS Fall Joint Computer Conference. Vol. 33, First Part, 291-304. December 1968. Also available as Project MAC Memorandum MAC M 391 (AI Memo 161).

* 17. Guzmán, A. Analysis of Scenes by Computer: Recognition and Identification of Objects. In Interpretation and Classification of Images. Grasselli, Antonio (ed) Académic Press, 1969. Chapter 12.

19. Guzmán, A. Computer Recognition of Three-dimensional Objects in a Visual Scene. Ph. D. Thesis, Electrical Engineering Department, M. I. T., December 1968. Also available as Project MAC Technical Report MAC TR 59. AD-692-200.

* 20. Guzmán, A. Analysis of Curved Line Drawings Using Context and Global Information. In Machine Intelligence VI. D. Michie y B.Meltzer (eds.), Univ. of Edinburg Press, 1970. 325-375.

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3. Geographical database

It is used a tree of squares or rectangles (later called tree quad, or quad-tree) to represent geographical regions with arbitrary and variable presition. It was built with this representation a database that can contain (to describe) any region, with superficial attributes (a lake) or of area, of line (a river) and punctual (a lighthouse).

23. Guzmán, A. y Bribiesca, E. Uso de una Base de Datos Geográfica. Memorias del Primer Congreso Panamericano y del III Congreso Nacional de Fotointerpretación, Fotogrametría y Geodesia. Cd. de México. Julio 7-12, 1974.

24. Bribiesca, E., y Guzmán, A. Manual de usuario para la explotación de una Base de Datos Geográfica. Reporte CCAL 74 17, Centro Científico IBM de América Latina. Cd. de México. Diciembre 1974.

25. Guzmán, A. Uso de computadoras en la Planeación Regional. Memorias de la 1ª. Reunión Anual de la Academia Nacional de Ciencias (México). Cd. de México. 15-24 julio 1975. Describe nuestras experiencias en la planeación regional utilizando la base de datos geográfica de CETENAL (ver referencia 24).

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4. P. R. Remote perception: analysis of satellite images 

Images of Mexican territory are analyzed spectrally. These images are taken by the satellite LANDSAT. Applications were made for detecting crops, bodies of water, and land use.

26. Guzmán, A. Proyecto P.R. Reporte de Actividades y Resultados. Etapa cero. Reporte Técnico P.R. 72 2A, Octubre 1975. IIMAS, Universidad Nacional de México. En este reporte describo la realización del  Proyecto de Percepción Remota.

27. Guzmán, A. Percepción Remota a través de computadoras:  Equipo, programas y aplicaciones. Reporte Técnico PR 75 2, noviembre 1975.  IIMAS-UNAM.

29. Guzmán, A. Aplicaciones del Reconocimiento de Patrones al análisis por computadora de Imágenes Aéreas.  Memorias de MEXICON 76, IEEE, 7-9 de julio, 1976. Cd. de México.

* 31. Guzmán, A. Seco, Rosa and Sánchez, Víctor Germán. Analysis of LANDSAT Images for Crop Identification in Mexico. Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Science and Systems, 19-24, August 1976.  University of Patras, Greece.  361-366.  Se describen en este documento los resultados de la identificación de trigo, algodón y otros cultivos encontrados en el noreste de México en la Etapa Uno del proyecto P.R.  También disponible como Reporte Técnico Vol. 7 No. 135, 1976.  IIMAS-UNAM.

32. Guzmán, A. Percepción Remota en la UNAM.  Memorias de la II Reunión para el uso de datos de satélites.  Noviembre 1976.  Comisión Nacional del Espacio Exterior, SCT.  Cd. de México.  Noviembre 1976.  Se describen los principales esfuerzos realizados en la investigación en Percepción Remota y Procesamiento de Imágenes en la UNAM.

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5. AHR: parallel computer to process symbolic languages 

It was designed,  simulated and built a computer (AHR) with several processors, it doesn't possess operating system in hardware, and it uses Lisp like main language. 
The design was also made to convert a Soviet computer (PS-2000),  SIMD model, into a computer MIMD model, like the AHR, without changing the hardware neither the machine architecture.

*30. Guzmán, A. and Segovia, Raymundo.  A Parallel Reconfigurable LISP Machine.  Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Science and Systems, 19-24, August 1976.  University of Patras, Greece. 207-211.  Este artículo describe la estructura y características de un nuevo tipo de computadora que utiliza LISP como su lenguaje máquina y realiza tanto procesamiento en paralelo como es posible.  También disponible como Reporte técnico Vol. 7, No. 133, 1976.  IIMAS-UNAM.

* 36. Guzmán, A. Arquitecturas Heterárquicas Reconfigurables para Procesamiento Digital en Paralelo con lenguajes de alto nivel. Presentado en la Conferencia Internacional de Informática y Equipo de Oficina. México, 1979.

38. Guzmán A. Arquitecturas heterárquicas para Procesamiento en Paralelo de Imágenes Digitales. Reporte Técnico AHR-79-3 (PR-79-23), IIMAS UNAM. También: presentado en el II Seminario Internacional del uso de Percepción  Remota. 1979. Cd. de México.

45. Guzmán A., Lyons, L. , et. al. La computadora AHR: Construcción de un procesador con LISP como su lenguaje principal. Reporte Técnico AHR 80 10, IIMAS, UNAM. 1980.

46. Guzmán A. y Rosenblueth, D. (eds.). Estructuras de Computadoras Digitales.  Reporte Técnico AHR 80 11, IIMAS UNAM.

* 47. Guzmán A. A Parallel Heterarchical Machine for High Level Language Processing. In Languages and Architectures for Image Processing. M. J. B. Duff y S. Levialdi (eds). 1981. Academic Press. 230-244. Also in: Proc. 1981 International Conference on Parallel Processing, 64-71.

* 48. Guzmán A. A Heterarchical Multi-microprocessor Lisp Machine. Proceedings of the 1981 IEEE Workshop on Computer Architecture for Pattern Analysis and Image Database Management. Hot Springs, VA 1981. 309-317. IEEE Publ. #81CH-1697-2.

* 49. Guzmán A., Lyons, L. et. al. Construcción de un Multiprocesador  que utiliza Lisp. Parte I: Teoría de la operación de una máquina AHR.  Memorias del VII Congreso de la Academia Nacional de Ingeniería . Oaxaca, México, 1981.

* 50. Guzmán A., Lyons, L. et. al. Construcción de un Multiprocesador  que utiliza Lisp. Parte II: Arquitectura de la máquina AHR.  Memorias del VII Congreso de la Academia Nacional de Ingeniería . Oaxaca, México, 1981.

* 51. Guzmán, A. Computadora Mexicana de Procesamiento en Paralelo. Información Científica y Tecnológica, Vol. 3, No. 48, páginas 42-43.

* 52. Guzmán, A. A multi-microprocessor that executes pure Lisp in parallel. Proc. 15th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 1982, Vol. 1, pages 368-377.

53. Norkin, Kemer y Guzmán, Adolfo. Diseño y Construcción de una Máquina Paralela Heterárquica: Reporte final del proyecto AHR. Reporte técnico AHR 82 21, Laboratorio AHR, IIMAS, UNAM. 1982.

54. Guzmán, A.; Gerzso, J. Miguel; Norkin, Kemer B. y Kuprianov, Boris. La computadora PS-2000 SIMD: Descripción Funcional y Conjunto de Instrucciones. Reporte técnico AHR 82 23, Laboratorio AHR, IIMAS UNAM. 1982. (En inglés).

* 56. Guzmán A., Gerzso, M., Norkin, K. B., and Vilenkin, S. Y. The Conversion via Software of a SIMD Processor into a MIMD Processor. PS2000, an Array Processor, becomes AHR, a general purpose LISP machine. In Computer Architectures for Spatially Distributed Data, H. Freeman y G. G. Pieroni (eds), Springer-Verlag. 1985. 121-137.

61. Norkin, K. B., y Guzmán A. Especificaciones Funcionales y Diseño Preliminar de HECTOR, una Heterarquía de Microprocesadores. Reporte Técnico. Departamento de Ingeniería Eléctrica, CINVESTAV I. P. N. 1985. 

63. Guzmán A.; Gerzso, M.; Norkin, K.; Logunova, N.; Vilenkin, S.; y Kuprianov, B. Diseño Funcional de un Intérprete Lisp para la Computadora PS-2000 SIMD. Reporte Técnico AHR 83 24, IIMAS, UNAM. 1983.

64. Guzmán A.  Tutorial de computadoras de quinta generación. Reporte Técnico AM 28, Departamento de Ingeniería Eléctrica, CINVESTAV I. P. N.. 1985.

* 66. Guzmán A. A Multiprocessor that executes Pure Lisp in Parallel. Proc. 15th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 1982, V. 1, 368-377.

* 67. Guzmán A. AHR: A Parallel Computer for Pure Lisp. In Parallel Computation and Computers for Artificial Intelligence, J. S. Kowalik (ed.), 201-222. Kluwer. 1988.Also: MCC Technical Report PP 355 86, Microelectronics and Computer Technology Corporation, Austin, Tx.

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6. Description of forms by means of form numbers 

It were invented the form numbers that allow to describe, with chains of the digits 1, 2 and 3, any form or two-dimensional silhouette, and to measure the resemblance between two forms this way described.

* 33. Bribiesca. E., y Guzmán, A. Shape Description and Shape Similarity Measurement for Two-dimensional Regions. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Kyoto, Japón, 1978. 608-612. Also available as Technical Report PR 78 18 (Orange Series 9, 166), IIMAS UNAM, Also in: Journal of Geoprocessing, Vol. 1, No. 2, 129-144 (1980).

34. Bribiesca, E. y Guzmán, A. Números de Forma: una notación para describir formas puras y para medir semejanzas y diferencias en formas. Reporte Técnico PR 78 20 (Serie Naranja 178), IIMAS UNAM, 1978.

* 39. Bribiesca, E. y Guzmán A. How to Describe Pure Forms and how to Measure Differences in Shapes using Shape Numbers. Invited paper to the IEEE Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Processing. Chicago, USA. Also in Pattern Recognition, Vol 12, No. 2, 1980, 101-112. This article won the Seventh Annual Pattern Recognition Award, awarded by the Pattern Recognition Society in November 1981, as the best the best article of the year

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7. Digital models of the land 

A hierarchical structure was used (quaternary trees, or trees quad) to represent three-dimensional surfaces (as the surface of a country), building a mosaic of triangles, in order to be able to represent any surface with certain given precision.

* 35. Gómez, Dora y Guzmán, A. A digital Model for Three-dimensional Surface Representation. Journal of Geoprocessing 1, 1979, 53-70. Elsevier Publishing Co. Also in: Proceedings of an International Conference “Computer Mapping for Resource Analysis”, a CoGeoData Conference. Kansas Geological Survey, University of Kansas, and Instituto de Geografía de la UNAM. Mexico, 1978, pages 183-204.

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 8. Hierarchical machines for parallel processing

It was designed and simulated a processor in parallel's architecture, formed by processors hierarchies sharing common memory.

68. McGehearty, P., and Guzmán A. Hierarchical Parallel Architectures for Symbolic Processing. MCC. Technical Report PP-387-86.

69. Guzmán A., Krall, E. J., McGehearty, P. F., and Bagherzadeh, N. Measurement of Symbolic Applications on a Parallel Architecture. Technical Report PP-076-87, MCC. Austin, Texas.

* 70. Guzmán A., Krall, E. J., McGehearty, P. F., and Bagherzadeh, N. Performance of Symbolic Applications on a Parallel Architecture. Technical Report PP-163-87., MCC. Also in International Journal of Parallel Programming, 16, 3, June 1987.

* 71. Guzmán A., and Hermenegildo, M. Constructs and Evaluation Strategies for Intelligent Speculative Parallelism –Armageddon revisited.  Technical Report PP-220-87., MCC. Also in Proceedings of the ACM 1988 Sixteen Annual Computer Science Conference, Atlanta, Ga. February 1988.

* 75. Guzmán A., Krall, E. J., McGehearty, P.F. y Bagherzadeh, N. The Effect of Application Characteristics on Performance in a Parallel Architecture.Technical Report ACA-262-87., MCC. Also in Proceedings of the Twenty First Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, January 1988. Honolulu, Hawaii.

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9. Representation of the knowledge in cyc 

The project CYC looked for representing the common knowledge, forming a concepts tree, tied by multiple relationships (those which were nodes in another part of the tree).

72. Guzmán A. Canonical Shape description for 3-D Stick Bodies. Technical Report ACA-254-87., MCC. Austin, Tx.

73. Guzmán, A. Shape Description in CYC. Technical Report AI-x-87(P), Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, MicroElectronics and Computer Technology Co. Austin, Tx, 1987. MCC/ACA Confidential and Proprietary.

74. Guzmán, A. Existing and Projected Functionalities of CYC. Technical Report ACA-AI-331-87(P). Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, MicroElectronics and Computer Technology Co., Austin, Tx., 1987. MCC/ACA Confidential and Proprietary.

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10. Visual language to describe parallel processes

It was designed and built (interpreter and compiler) a language where the programs are expressed as directed networks. Each node is another visual program or a program in C (or Ada). The arches take information (exit results that become entrance data for the next node "corriente abajo") represented by objects. This language allows to express calculations in parallel. The execution regim is the same of data flow: a node is shot (and it is executed without interruption) when all their entrance data are present in the entrance arches. The compiler generates distributed code, and allows to specify the object machine (a parallel or distributed architecture) for which the code is wanted.

*76. Ramón D. Acosta and Adolfo Guzmán. An environment for functional and performance prototyping of parallel programs. In Collected Papers of the 1991 Workshop on Hardware/Software CoDesign, XIII, International conference on Software Engineering, Technical Report No. MCC-CAD-156-91, Microelectronics and Computer Technology Corporation, Austin, Tx, May 1991.

77. Guzmán, A. Unified Step Language (USL). Technical Report, International  Software Systems, Austin, Tx. 1991.

 78. Guzmán, A. Process supervision, control and evaluation using an augmented SDDS.  Technical Report, International  Software Systems, Austin, Tx. 1991.

  79. Guzmán, A. Compilation of schema objects into flat Ada structures. Technical Report, International Software Systems, Austin, Tx. 1991.

  80. Guzmán, A. Flexibility and efficiency via operationsÂ’ particularization. Technical Report ISSI-91-005, International  Software Systems, Austin, Tx. 1991.

81. Guzmán, A. Graphic queries and updates for 2-step. Technical Report ISSI-91-003, International  Software Systems, Austin, Tx. 1991.

*82. Guzmán A., and Yin, Weiping. Interconnection of software tools or applications, considered as black boxes. Fourth International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence, Cancún, Mexico, November 1991.

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11. Work flow, of documents, business processes,

The visual language described previously is applied to the formalism of representing business processes, or steps. The executioners of each node can be computers or people. This gives cause to prosecution “mixed.”

*82. Guzmán A., and Yin, Weiping. Interconnection of software tools or applications, considered as black boxes. Fourth International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence, Cancún, Mexico, November 1991.

86bis. Guzmán, A. Diseño de una Sistema General de Seguimientos. Simposium Internacional de Computación , CENAC-IPN, Nov. 10-13, 1993, México, D.F.

Guzmán, A. Tramitología, Simplificación de procesos administrativos y reingeniería de negocios. A presentarse en el Congreso Internacional de Mujeres sobre ... 1999. También: enviado a Academia, Instituto Politécnico Nacional.

Cecilia Palomino. Construcción de un sistema de flujo de documentos (work flow) con múltiples servidores. Tesis de M. en C., Centro de Investigación en Computación, 1999.

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12. Trees k-d 

A program  that  learns from learning matrix , and whose exit is a program in C was built. This program in C represents a decision tree. This tree (and the program) classify objects according to already  learned from the learning matrix. It means, starting from a learning matrix, it is generated a classifier automatically (a program in C) that assigns classes to objects.

*89. Guzmán, A. Árboles k-d como clasificadores supervisados y para la substitución de sistemas expertos. Congreso Internacional sobre Reconocimiento de Patrones. ICIMAF, Habana, Cuba. 1995.

* 100. Ruiz Shulclóper, José; Guzmán, A. y Díaz de León, Juan Luis. Enfoque lógico combinatorio al Reconocimiento de Patrones: Clasificación Supervisada. Editorial Politécnica, 1999.

109. García, A., Guzmán Arenas, A., Martínez Luna, G., y NúÂñez Esquer, G. Clasificación supervisada. Inducción de árboles de decisión. Algoritmo K-D. Simposium Internacional de Computación CIC 98 “La computación: investigación, desarrollo y aplicaciones. Noviembre de 1998. Págs. 602-614. México, D. F. ISBN 970-18-1916-0.

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13. Anasin, intelligent analyzer-synthesizer. Data stores 

Several programs were built, these gather automatically data files that are in existent computers of work centers. In an asynchronous way, data are extracted (making summaries) of any files, and they are sent to a database “current up”, to regional or national offices, for example. The ANASIN acts like a “bomb of data” that periodically extracts operational information from the work centers, it converts it (when summarizing it) in strategic data, the information is  “pump” or impel to relational databases in regional and corporate centers, for making of decisions. The operation of ANASIN is completely automatic, and the data are extracted and sent out of pick hours, typically at nights and weekends.

*95. Guzmán A. Herramientas de Software para la Organización Distribuida. II Congreso Nacional sobre NElectrónica y Comunicaciones, Colegio de Ingenieros en Comunicaciones y Electrónica. Octubre 28-30, 1996, México, D.F., páginas 1-14.

110. Guzmán, A. Herramientas para la empresa distribuida. Foro “Computación, de la teoría a la práctica.” Págs. 5-14.  26-28 de mayo de 1999. México, D. F. ISBN 970-18-3012-1

113. Guzmán, A. Minería y bodega de datos. Simposium Nacional de Computación SICOM 99, 7-11 de junio de 1999, Villahermosa, Tabasco. Págs. 5-13. ISBN 970-18-3046-6.

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14. Data Mining

On the ANASIN a software was built for data mining, this software finds interesting situations, deviations, tendencies and anomalies, in huge of data. The miners work out pick hours autonatically, without human intervention, and they put their discoveries in a file of “found interesting situations”, for their later revision by people.

*92. Guzmán A. Mineros de Datos. En Soluciones Avanzadas, México D.F., 1996. También en: ARCHIPIÉLAGO. Vol. 2 núm. 9, página 19. Nov.-Dic. 1996.

*97. Guzmán A. Estado del Arte y de la Práctica en Minería de Datos, Análisis y Crítica. Memorias del II Taller Iberoamericano de Reconocimiento de Patrones. Marzo 24-28, 1997. La Habana Cuba, páginas 367-376.

107. Adolfo Guzmán, Gilberto Martínez Luna. Minería de datos con búsqueda de patrones de comportamiento. Boletín de Política Informática, Año XXII, 2, 1999, 13-30. INEGI, Aguascalientes, México.

112. García, A., Guzmán Arenas, A., y Martínez Luna, G. Anasin: Minería de datos con búsqueda de patrones de comportamiento. Foro “Computación, de la teoría a la práctica.” Págs. 15-28. 26-28 de mayo de 1999. México, D. F. . ISBN 970-18-3012-1

113. Guzmán, A. Minería y bodega de datos. Simposium Nacional de Computación SICOM 99, 7-11 de junio de 1999, Villahermosa, Tabasco. Págs. 5-13. ISBN 970-18-3046-6.

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15. Clasitex. Finding the main topics of an Spanish article 

CLASITEX analyzes  written Spanish documents, and  tells us which are the main topics a document is about. CLASITEX makes concepts analysis, not by key words, it can identify that an article is about soccer, even when it doesn't contain such words, if it contains left defense, corner shot, goal serve, Chivas, Jorge Campos,...

*98. Guzmán A. Hallando los temas principales en un artículo en español. Soluciones Avanzadas. Vol. 5, núm. 45, pág. 58. I parte, 15 de Julio de 1997, II parte vol. 5, núm. 49, pág. 66, 15 de septiembre de 1997. También en : Simposium Internacional de Computación. Centro de Investigación en Computación. Instituto Politécnico Nacional. Noviembre 12-14, 1997. México, D.F., páginas 36-51.

* 99. Guzmán, A. Finding the main themes in a Spanish document. Journal Expert Systems with Applications, Vol. 14, No. 1/2, Jan./Feb. 1998, pages 139-148.

*101. Beatriz Beltrán Martínez, Adolfo Guzmán Arenas, Francisco Martínez Trinidad, José Ruiz Shulcloper. Clasitex++: una herramienta para el análisis de textos. Memorias del Tercer Taller Iberoamericano de Reconocimiento de Patrones, TIARP-98, Centro de Investigación en Computación, Instituto Politécnico Nacional, México, D. F. Marzo 1998. Páginas 369-379.

108. Alexander Gelbukh, Grigori Sidorov, Adolfo Guzman. Text categorization using a hierarchical topic dictionary. Submitted to IJCAI-99 (International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence).

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16. Eva: espacios virtuales de aprendizaje – software para educación no presencial

EVA is a software that (by an knowledge exam) it determines the initial knowledge of a student about a certain topic, EVA asks him/her the wanted final state (to where she wants to reach in her studies), and EVA designs him/her individual study plancalled “learning trajectory.” Then, EVA sends him (by Internet) educative material according to the particular plan of studies. This material (called “polilibros”)  is assembled for each student. It contains modules that make a fnal exam – by computer–to the student, this way EVA knows where each student is on his learning trajectory. While comparing trajectories, EVA finds advisors for each student, and studeymates, EVA join all of them. If the student provides his actvities schedule, EVA suggests him synchronous activities (a teleconference, a presential chat) appropriate with his available time and his learning stage.  
EVA mitigates the need of each student to be present or in the same place that the professor is, at the same hour. It makes the education is not present (remote) and asynchronous.

102. Gustavo NúÂñez, Leonid Sheremetov, Jesús Martínez, Adolfo Guzmán, Álvaro Albornoz. The EVA Teleteaching Project - the concept and the first experience in the development of Virtual Learning Spaces. 15th IFIP World Computer Congress ‘The Global Information Society on the way to the next MillenniumÂ’, Vienna and Budapest, 31 Aug. - Sept. 4, 1988, organized by the Austrian Computer Society and John von Neumann Computer Society on behalf of the International Federation for Information Processing.

*105. Adolfo Guzmán and Gustavo NúÂñez. Virtual Learning Spaces in distance education; tools for the EVA Project. Accepted for publication in Journal Expert Systems with Applications, Elsevier.

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17. Inter-Science

The Inter-science may be the communication and effective inter-relationship among several sciences – example, Social Sciences, Natural Sciences, Humanities. The Inter-science arises because there are problems that transcend a specialty. It studies areas that are far away between two or more  Science disciplines.  
The Inter-science is an artificial phenomenon. It doesn't care how  it organizes or divides the Science, a human being will be able to reach a small part of it: what a human can learn in  20 years of study, from primary to doctorate.  
Which are the limitations or advantages of the human being before the Interciencia? What roll will paly in it? And the same questions, but applied to the computers? The article offers some answers.

103. Adolfo Guzmán. La Computación en la Interciencia. Artículo a ser publicado en un libro en homenaje al Dr. Marco Murray Lasso. 1998. También: Simposium Internacional de Computación CIC 98 “La computación: investigación, desarrollo y aplicaciones. Noviembre de 1998. 41-56. México, D. F. ISBN 970-18-1916-0. También: Informe Técnico del CIC, No. xx. Instituto Politécnico Nacional. 1998

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18. Interaction directed between proposal agents

Study of autonomous entities, called agents. Our agents possess a purpose or goal, and they possess multiple execution strands. The interaction with other agents takes place in some scenarios (called scripts or interactions in Spanish). For example in a restaurant, in an auction, etc. Also, the agents use knowledge representations a little different: their ontologies don't coincide, thats why they have to dialogue to understand each other fully. The reaction of the agents is also modeled before unexpected events that make them stray of its trajectories or plans.  

We propose the development of to model that enables agents that uses different ontologies to interact and interchange information among them.  
The behavior of each agent will be defined in to high-level language that we will design and develop, with the following features:

(1) Each agent and each interaction can be described by several sequences of instructions that can be executed concurrently (multi-threaded). As part of our research, we will deliver an executor (perhaps an interpreter) for above language.
(2) The model allows communications between agents that do not share the same data dictionary (ontology), but rather need a conversion or matching among the primitives they use.
(3) Some of the scripts can be partially executed, thus giving rise to the idea of a “degree of satisfaction” of a given behavior or interaction.
As part of our research, we will deliver an executor (an interpreter) for above language.
We will validate the model using test cases based on real situations like electronic commerce, product delivery, and automatic filling of databases that use different ontologies.

111. Olivares, J, Demetrio Aguirre, A., Domínguez Ayala, María, y Guzmán Arenas, A. Computación dirigida entre agentes con propósito. Foro “Computación, de la teoría a la práctica.” Págs. 210-219. 26-28 de mayo de 1999. México, D. F. . ISBN 970-18-3012-1

Chart: Relation between the mentioned projects above and the research lines.

Conocimiento común

Manipulación Simbólica

Visión, reconocimiento de patrones

Software Geo

de datos

Hardware paralelo, proc. Distribuido

Educación a distancia

software, herramientas

language for symbolic manipulation

2.  Decomposition of a visual scene

Geographical database

P. R. Remote Perception

AHR parallel computer

Hierarchical machines for parallel processing

Numbers of form

Digital models of land

Common sense

Visual Language

Work flow

k-d Trees

Data mining

Data mining

15. Clasitex. Finding the main topics of an Spanish article 

18. Interaction directed between proposal agents

distance education

17. Inter-Science

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Research lines and scientist who I advised at:

Ver detalles - M.I.T M.I.T.
Ver detalles - CENAC-IPN CENAC-IPN
Ver detalles - I.B.M. Centro científico I.B.M. Scientific Center
Ver  detalles - MCC-división de procesamiento en paralelo. MCC- Parallel Processing Department
Ver detalles - MCC-Laboratorio de Inteligencia Artificial MCC-Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
Ver detalles - International Software Systems International Software Systems
Ver detalles - Software ProInternational Software ProInternational
Ver detalles - Centro de Investigación en Computación (CIC), IPN. Center for Computing Research (CIC), IPN
1995- ~

(*) refers to the scientist that I advised;
(+) refers to the scientist to whom I guided professonally (I contributed to his training in an specific area).

M.I.T. 1969-1970
Computational Vision Stereoscope
+Jerome Lerman (Dr.),
B.K.P. Horn (Dr., Prof.) (colegas).

CENAC-IPN 1971-72

Computing Master of Science Program. I head the graduated secction.


Real Time Computing
*González López (M. en C.),
*Héctor Pinzón (M. en C.).
*Felipe García González (M. en C.),
*Julián Alarcón (M. en C.),
+ Cristina Verde (Doctorado., Prof.),

*Guzmán Rentería (Doctorado, Prof.).

I.B.M. Centro Científico1974-75

Geographic Data Base.
*Ernesto Bribiesca (Bachelor).
Authorized cartography.
+Daniel Calcáneo (Bachelor).

Líneas de Investigación y científicos que formé

IIMAS-UNAM 1975-77

 Telemetry and Tele control.  
a)  Engineering Institute, UNAM: Project "Real time control of the electricity in Mexico". Design of a  reconfigurable system operated by real time. Also, proposal of a hardwae for their acquisition. (Later on a colleague wrote a master thesis about the operation of that system).  
b) Project Resmac, IIMAS-UNAM. Telemetry and seismic data. Design of computing algorithms for data in circular buffers.  
Computing Net Works.  
Impel to forming a research group in computing net works:   
+R.Segovia (M. en C.),
+H.Pinzón (M. en C.), y otros.
Remote Perception Project.
The use of computers and statistical techniques for the multispectrum images analysis. Images taken from airplanes and satellites for the quantification of natural resources: water,  dilutes, crops, forest,Â…(Landsat Data). 
a) Leader group (+8 people with degree of M. in C.). 1975-77.  BANAMEX reward in the agriculture area (see " honors "). 1977. 
b) UNAM-CETENAL Monitor of the agreement about Remote Perception. 
Image Description. 
Theory and techniques to represent patterns (silhouettes) in two dimensions, and to find their similarity and resemblance.
+J. Owners, 
+E. Bribiesca.
(later, one of our publications, the ·#39 of the section Publications and technical reports",  won an international prize). 
Hierarchical Architectures.
Design and simulation of  processors collection and their organization, to constitute multi computers which work in parallel, process high level languages as if it were machine language, adaptable and re configurated. They work according to the programs demands  that are being executed.
*David Rosenblueth (M. en C., Doctorado),
+Carlos Velarde,
+Luis Lyons,
+Luis Hugo Peñarrieta (M. en C.),
*José Manuel López Acevedo. Posteriormente,
+Miguel Gerzso (Doctorado, Prof.).

Information Systems.
Ideas expansion of the Detenal database toward general information  systems that are re-configurables, and about  their possible interconnection to built distributed systems.

*Rafael Domínguez de León (M. en C),
+Mario Oviedo Galeano,
*Sánchez Arias (M. en C.).

Impel to the development of a research group in  databases technics:

Renato Barrera (Doctorado, Prof.),
V.Guerra (Doctorado, Prof.),
Conchita Pérez (Doctorado, Prof.).

Database machines
Preliminary study to design ad doc hardware and software for the handling of automated information systems. We decided not to build anything.

Líneas de Investigación y científucos que formé

IIMAS-UNAM 1980-82.

 Distributed computing.  
The intelligent interconnection of several mini or microcomputers to built a more capacity computer in a lower price.  
Parallel processing  
Visit to the Institute of Control Sciences, Academy of Sciences of the Soviet Union (Moscow), to redraw the computer PS-2000, a machine SIMD with 64 minicomputers, each one similar to the size of a PDP-11, achieving that it behaves like a computer AHR.

+Miguel Gerzo (Doctorado, Prof.).


Data flow architectures.
Design, with the Prof. Kemer Norkin, the second version of the  AHR computer, called HECTOR, a hierarchical micros. It is a computer for general purposes that executes (in parallel) LISP like main programming language. It can also be seen as microcomputers in a LAN, where the machines can share the outlying devices (and the data) and to execute extensive programs jointly. Design in
Expert systems.
Impel to thedevelopment of a research group in systems based on the knowledge.

+Ana Ma. Martínez (Doctorado, Prof.),
Zdenek Zdráhal (Prof.),
*Manuel González (Doctorado, estudiante),
*Patricia Avila (M. en C.), +Juan José Flores Romero (M. en C.)

Tecnología de Software.
Cómo hacer herramientas para mejorar la productividad de los programadores. Estructuras diseñadas: descriptor de archivos, diagramas de flujo. Herramientas diseñadas: consultor de archivos, escritor de reportes generales, acceso general a los datos; transformador de archivos. También: compilador de diagramas de flujo. Explicación basada en los diagramas de flujo; Escritor de documentos automáticos basado en diagramas de flujo.

*Jorge Buenabad (Licenciatura),
*Francisco Larrea (Licenciatura),
*Margarito Javier (M. en C., estudiante),
*Samuel López (M. en C., estudiante),
*Sergio Chapa (Doctorado, estudiante).

Líneas de Investigación y científucos que formé

MCC-Parallel processing Department. 1986-87.

Design and simulation of parallel computers for symbolic processing.
*Nader Bagherzadeh (Ph. D. student)

MCC-Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. 1987-89.

Building CYC, a system based on knowledge that will exhibit common sense.

International Software Systems. 1989-92.

Design and construction of enviroments to develop software in visual form, with execution in parallel.
+Weiping Yin (Ph. D. post-doctoral).

Software ProInternational. 1993-96.

Desarrollo de aplicaciones de alta tecnología para la empresa distribuida.
Herramientas para extracción y sumarización automática de datos en toda la empresa (ANASIN);
sistemas de minería de datos; clasificadores de clientes, objetos, etc. (CLASSFINDER).

Center for Computing Research (CIC), IPN. 1995- ~

Design and construction of Center for Computing research
Computer science and Computing Engineering ( Digital Electronic), with research functions, post graduate studies (technology transfer, applications of high technology). 15 research laboratories. M of Sc, programs (4 specialities) and Ph. D.; 200 students of M. of Sc., 10-50 of Ph.D. Faculty: 50 Ph. D and 75 M. of Sc. (for 1998).

Líneas de Investigación y científucos que formé

Home Page Adolfo Guzmán Arenas.
Published on December 19th, 2005.