Publicaciones / Publications |
Papers and Technical Reports
Contribution to Books (English) Contribution to Books (Spanish) NOTE: Some publications are in PostScript (* .ps, * .pdf) format, to visualize the informationthe following programs are available: NOTA: Algunas publicaciones se encuentran en formato PostScript (*.ps,*.pdf), para visualizar la información deberá descargar los siguientes programas: Ghost View o / or: Abbreviations: (*)= Published (P)= Owner MCC = MicroElectronics and Computer Corporation, Austin, TX, USA. MexDF= México, D.F., México. UNAM= Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, MexDF. IIMAS= Instituto de Investigaciones en Matemáticas Aplicadas y en Sistemas-UNAM. IPN= Instituto Politécnico Nacional, MexDF. CINVESTAV= Centro de Investigación y Estudios Avanzados, IPN. CeNaC= Centro Nacional de Cálculo, IPN. CIC= Centro de Investigación en Computación, IPN. = Local download / Bajar de este servidor = Phronesis download / Bajar desde Phronesis = Local download as zip / Disponible en línea, comprimido The technical reports of the CIC are in / Most of the articles can be read or to be copied freely, in complete text, of the digital library of the CIC, |
1. Guzmán, A. (1964) The structure of the Fortran Language. Proceedings of the I Latin American Congress of Electronic Computation in Education CeNaC. In Spanish. |
2. Guzmán, A. (1965) Writing programs for the AN FSQ-32 computer using the Telex system. Program Note #4, CINVESTAV. In Spanish. | |
3. McIntosh, H.V., Barberan, J. and Guzmán, A. (1965) LISP Conversion. Program Note #3, CINVESTAV. | |
4. Guzmán, A. (1965) CONVERT-Design of a language for symbol manipulation, and its corresponding interpreter. (In Spanish, English and Braille). B. Sc. thesis. ESIME-IPN. |
5. Guzmán, A. (1966) TRACE and HUSMEA: two Lisp functions for debugging. Ciencias de la Información y Computación 1, June. In Spanish. | |
6. Guzmán, A. and McIntosh, H.V. (1966) A Program Feature for CONVERT. Memorandum MAC M 305 (AI Memo 95). Project MAC, MIT. April. |
7. Guzmán, A. and McIntosh H.V. (1966) CONVERT. Communications of the ACM 9, 8, 604-415. August. Also available as Memo MAC M 316 (AI Memo 99), M.I.T. June 1966. | |
8.Guzmán, A. (1966) Polybrick: Adventures in the domain of parallelepipeds. Memorandum Project MAC, MAC M 308 (AI Memo 96) MIT. Mayo. |
9. Guzmán, A. (1967) Scene Analysis Using the Concept of Model. Report 67-0133, Computer Corporation of America. Cambridge, Mass., USA. January. AD-652-017. | |
10. Guzmán, A. (1967) A primitive Recognizer of Figures in a Scene. Memorandum Project MAC, MAC M 342 (AI Vision Memo 119) MIT, January. | |
11. Guzmán, A. Some Aspects of Pattern Recognition by Computer. (1967) Master’s Thesis, Department of Electrical Engineering, MIT., February. AD-656-041. Also available as a Project MAC Technical Report, MAC TR 37. | |
12. McIntosh, H. V. and Guzmán, A. (1967) A Miscellaney of CONVERT Programming. Project MAC Memorandum MAC M 346 (AI Memo 130), MIT. April. | |
13. Guzmán, A. and McIntosh H.V. (1967) Comments on ‘All Paths Through a Maze’. Proceedings of the IEEE. Vol. 55 No. 8, 1525-27. August. | |
14. Guzmán, A. and McIntosh, H.V. (1967) Patterns and Skeletons in CONVERT. In The Programming Language LISP: Its Operations and Applications, Vol. II; Berkeley, E. C. y Bobrow, D. G. (Eds). MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass. (The article was written, the book was never published). | |
15. Guzmán, A. (1967) Decomposition of a Visual Scene into Bodies. Project MAC Memorandum MAC M 357 (AI Memo 139). MIT, September. | |
16. Guzmán, A. (1968) Decomposition of a Visual Scene into Three-dimensional Bodies. Proceedings of the AFIPS Fall Joint Computer Conference. Vol. 33, First Part. 291-304. December. Also available as Project MAC Memorandum MAC M 391 (AI Memo 161). Also in Computer Methods in Image Analysis. J. K. Aggarwal, R. O. Duda y A. Rosenfeld (eds.). IEEE Press. 1977. 324-337. | |
17. Guzmán, A. Decomposition of a visual scene into three/dimensional bodies. In Interpretation and Classification of Images. Grasselli, Antonio (ed.) Academic Press. 243-276. Chapter 12. | |
18. Guzmán, A. (1969) Object Recognition: Discovering the Parallelepipeds in a Visual Scene. Proceedings of the Second Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences. Universidad de Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii, 479-482. January. Western Periodicals Co. | |
19. Guzmán, A. (1968) Computer Recognition of Three-dimensional Objects in a Visual Scene. Ph.D. Thesis, Electrical Engineering Department, M.I.T., December. Also available as Project MAC Technical Report MAC TR 59. 287 pages. AD-692-200. | |
20. Guzmán, A. (1970) Analysis of Curved Line Drawings Using Context and Global Information. In Machine Intelligence VI. D. Michie y B. Meltzer (eds.), Edinburg University Press. 325-375. ISBN 0 85224 195 X. | |
21. Sodi, J., Guzmán, A. and Garza, L. (1971) Computer analysis of human electrocardiograms: preliminary results. Proceedings of the II National Congress of AMICEE. Mexico City. In Spanish. | |
22. Alarcón, J. A., and Guzmán, A. (1973) Computer design of direct current power supplies. Proceedings of the III Pan American Congress of Mechanical, Electrical Engineering, and allied branches. Bogotá, In Spanish. | |
23. Guzmán, A. and Bribiesca, E. (1974) Use of a geographic data base. Proceedings of the I Panamerican Congress and III National Congress of Photogrammetry, Photointerpretation and Geodesics. Mexico City. In Spanish. | |
24. Bribiesca, E., and Guzmán, A. (1974) User’s manual for the exploitation of a geographic data base. Technical report CCAL 74 17, IBM Latin American Scientific Center. Mexico City. In Spanish. | |
25. Guzmán, A. (1975) Use of computers for regional planning. Proceedings of the 1st Annual Meeting of the National Academy of Sciences (Mexico). It describes our experiences in regional planning using CETENAL geographic data base. (See reference 24). In Spanish. | |
26. Guzmán, A. (1975)P.R. Project. Report of activities and results. Stage 0. Technical Report P.R.-72-2A, October. IIMAS. In this report I describe the Remote Sensing Project. In Spanish. | |
27. Guzmán, A. (1975) Remote sensing by computers: Equipment, programs, and applications. Technical Report PR-75-2, November. IIMAS. In Spanish | |
28. Guzmán, A. (1977) Graduate studies in Computer Science. Bulletin #23, Orientation Series, CONACYT. It explains the reach and relevance of Computation, the problems it solves, the methods it employs. With examples. It has a list of national and foreign universities where Computer Science is taught at the graduate level. Targetted for students thinking to acquire a graduate degree in Computer Science or Informatics. In Spanish. | |
29. Guzmán, A. (1976) Applications of Pattern Recognition to Computer Analysis of Aerial Images. Proceedings of MEXICON 76, IEEE. Mexico City. In Spanish. | |
30. Guzmán, A. and Segovia, Raymundo. (1976) A Parallel Reconfigurable LISP Machine. Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Science and Systems, 207-211. August 19-24. University of Patras, Greece. It describes the architectures and features of a new type of computer, that uses Lisp as its machine language and performs as much parallel processing as the program flow allows. Also available as a Technical Report Vol. 7, No. 133. IIMAS. | |
31. Guzmán, A. Seco, Rosa and Sánchez, Victor Germán. (1976) Analysis of LANDSAT Images for Crop Identification in Mexico. Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Science and Systems, 361-366. University of Patras, Greece. August 19-24. Results are described of the identification of wheat, cotton and other crops in tne NortEast of Mexico, in Stage I of Project PR. Also: Technical Report Vol. 7 No. 135. IIMAS. | |
32. Guzmán, A. (1976) Remote Sensing in UNAM. Proceedings of the II Meeting for use of satellite data. Comisión Nacional del Espacio Exterior (National Outer Space Committee), SCT. Mexico City. It describes the efforts and research in Remote Sensing and Image Processing in UNAM. In Spanish. | |
32b. R. Barrera, J. Becerra, R. Castillo, M. Díaz, V. Guerra, A. Guzmán, A. Jinich, J. López, E. Llera, J. Ludlow, R. Seco, V. Sánchez. (1977) Detection and quantifying of agricultural resources through computer analysis of images taken from airplane and satellite. Technical Report 8, No. 157, IIMAS. In Spanish. |
33. Bribiesca. E., y Guzmán, A. (1978) Shape Description and Shape Similarity Measurement for Two-dimensional Regions. Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Kyoto, Japan. 608-612. Also available as Technical Report PR-78-18 (Orange Series 9, 166), IIMAS. Also: Journal of Geoprocessing, Vol.1, No. 2, 129-144 (1980) (This journal no longer exists). | |
34. Bribiesca, E. and Guzmán, A. (1978) Shape numbers: a notation to describe pure form and to measure resemblance and difference among shapes. Technical Report PR-78-20 (Orange Series 178), IIMAS. In Spanish. | |
35. Gómez, Dora and Guzmán, A. (1979) A digital Model for Three-dimensional Surface Representation. Journal of Geoprocessing 1, 53-70. Elsevier Publishing Co. (This journal no longer exists). Also: Proceedings of an International Conference “Computer Mapping for Resource Analysis”, a CoGeoData Conference. Kansas Geological Survey, University of Kansas, and Instituto de Geografía de la UNAM, 183-204, Mexico, 1978. | |
36. Guzmán, A. (1979) Heterarchical reconfigurable architectures for parallel digital processing with high level languages. Proceedings of the International Conference in Informatics and Office Equipment. Mexico City. In Spanish. | |
37. Barrera, R., Guzmán A., Ginich, A., Radhakrishnan, T. (1981) Design of a High Level Language (L) for Image Processing. In Languages and Architectures for Image Processing, M. J. B. Duff y S. Levialdi (eds.). Academic Press, 25-40 Also available as a Technical Report PR-78-22 (Orange Series 165), IIMAS. | |
38. Guzmán A. (1979) Heterarchical architectures for parallel processing of digital images. AHR Technical Report AHR-79-3 (PR-79-23), IIMAS. Also: Proceedings of the II International Seminar on the use of Remote Sensing. Mexico City. | |
39. Bribiesca, E. and Guzmán A. (1980) How to Describe Pure Forms and how to Measure Differences in Shapes using Shape Numbers. Invited paper to the IEEE Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Processing. Chicago, USA. Also in Pattern Recognition, Vol 12, No. 2, 101-112. This article won the Seventh Annual Pattern Recognition Award, awarded by the Pattern Recognition Society in November 1981, as the best article of the year. | |
40. (nothing). | |
41. Guzmán A. Storage Techniques for Efficient Handling of Remote Sensing and Geographic Data. To appear as a book chapter of Handbook of Statistics, Vol. II, L.N. Kanal y P.R. Krishnaih (eds), North Holland (article never written). |
42. Guzmán A. (1979) Distributed computing as an alternative for the future. Informática 46, 23-32. Also: Technical Report AHR-79-6, IIMAS. Also: Teledato, opus 132, IX-1982, 23-31. Publicaciones Telecomex. In Spanish. | |
43. Guzmán A. (1980) Reconfigurable Geographic Data Bases. In Pattern Recognition in Practice. E. S. Gelsema and Laveen N. Kanal (eds), 99-112, North Holland. | |
44. Guzmán A. (1980) One hundred and twenty five projects and thesis topics in Computer Science. Technical Report AHR-80-7, IIMAS. Second edition: Technical Report AHR-80-7a, 1981, IIMAS. Third Edition: Technical Report AHR-81-19, 1981, IIMAS. Fourth edition: at CINVESTAV. Fifth edition: see #105a below. In Spanish. | |
45. Guzmán A., Lyons, L. , et. al. (1980) The AHR computer: Construction of a processing with Lisp as its main language. Technical Report AHR-80-10, IIMAS. In Spanish. | |
46. Guzmán A. and Rosenblueth, D. (eds.) (1980) Architectures of digital computers. Technical Report AHR-80-11, IIMAS. In Spanish. | |
47. Guzmán A. (1981) A Parallel Heterarchical Machine for High Level Language Processing. In Languages and Architectures for Image Processing. M. J. B. Duff y S. Levialdi (eds). Academic Press. 230-244. Also: Proc. 1981 International Conference on Parallel Processing, 64-71. | |
48. Guzmán A. (1981) A Heterarchical Multi-microprocessor Lisp Machine. Proceedings of the 1981 IEEE Workshop on Computer Architectures for Pattern Analysis and Image Database Management. Hot Springs, VA 1981. 309-317. IEEE Publication #81CH-1697-2. | |
49. Guzmán A., Lyons, L. et. al. (1981) Construction of a multiprocessor that uses Lisp. Part I: Theory of operation of an AHR machine. Proceedings of the VII Congress of the National Academy of Engineering (Mexico). Oaxaca, Mexico. In Spanish. | |
50. Guzmán A., Lyons, L. et. al. (1981) Construction of a multiprocessor that uses Lisp. Part II: Architecture of the AHR Machine. Proceedings of the VII Congress of the National Academy of Engineering (Mexico). Oaxaca, Mexico. In Spanish. | |
51. Guzmán, A. (1982) Mexican Computer for Parallel Processing. Información Científica y Tecnológica, Vol. 3, No. 48, 42-43. In Spanish. | |
52. Guzmán, A. (1982) A multi-microprocessor that executes pure Lisp in parallel. Proc. 15th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Vol. 1, 368-377. | |
53. Norkin, Kemer and Guzmán, Adolfo. (1982) Design and construction of an heterarcnical parallel machine. Final Report of Project AHR. Technical Report AHR-82-21, AHR Laboratory, IIMAS. | |
54. Guzmán, A.; Gerzso, J. Miguel; Norkin, Kemer B. and Kuprianov, Boris. (1982) The PS-2000 SIMD computer: functional description and instruction set. Technical Report AHR-82-23, AHR Laboratory, IIMAS. | |
55. Guzmán A. (1983) Applied Artificial Intelligence: An Emerging Technology of Widespread Use. (1983) Presented at the Fourth Convocation of Engineering Academies, organized by the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences, Stockholm. Also: Technical Report AHR-83-27, Electrical Engineering Department, CINVESTAV. | |
56. Guzmán A., Gerzso, M., Norkin, K. B., and Vilenkin, S. Y. (1985) The Conversion via Software of a SIMD Processor into a MIMD Processor. PS-2000, an Array Processor, becomes AHR, a general purpose Lisp machine. In Computer Architectures for Spatially Distributed Data, H. Freeman and G. G. Pieroni (eds), Springer-Verlag. 121-137. | |
57. Guzmán A. (1984) The File Descriptor: Use of a Descriptive Tool to Retrieve General Queries to Files. Proceedings of the Third International ACM Conference on Systems Documentation, SYSDOC 84. Mexico City, May. Also as Technical Report AM-16, Electrical Engineering Department, CINVESTAV. 1985. In Spanish. | |
58. Guzmán A. (1984) Expert systems; foundations and immediate applications. Compumundo 1,5, 9-14. In Spanish. | |
59. Guzmán A. (1984) Applied Artificial Intelligence, a new technology with great possibilities. Compumundo 1,6, 10-13. In Spanish. | |
60. Guzmán A. (1984) Expert systems and their applications. Proceedings of the X Congress of the National Academy of Engineering. Sonora, Mexico. In Spanish. | |
61. Norkin, K. B., and Guzmán, A. (1985) Functional specifications and preliminary design of HECTOR, a heterarchy of microprocessors. Technical Report, EE Dept., CINVESTAV. In Spanish. | |
62. Guzmán A. (1985) Expert systems and their applications. Proceedings of the II International Congress on Electric Communications and Electronics, 177-183. AMICEE. Mexico City. This is an improved version of #58. In Spanish. | |
63. Guzmán A.; Gerzso, M.; Norkin, K.; Logunova, N.; Vilenkin, S.; and Kuprianov, B. (1983) Functional design of a Lisp interpreter for the PS-2000 SIMD Computer. Technical Report AHR-83-24, IIMAS. |
64. Guzmán A. (1985) Tutorial of Fifth Generation Computers. Technical Report AM-28, EE Dept., CINVESTAV. In Spanish. | |
65. Guzmán A. (1986) The Computer Section at CINVESTAV, Phase I. 1983-85. Technical Report, EE Dept., CINVESTAV. In Spanish. | |
66. Guzmán A. (1982) A Multiprocessor that executes Pure Lisp in Parallel. Proc. 15th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, V. 1, 368-377. | |
67. Guzmán A. (1988) AHR: A Parallel Computer for Pure Lisp. In Parallel Computation and Computers for Artificial Intelligence, J. S. Kowalik (ed.), 201-222. Kluwer. Also: MCC Technical Report PP 355 86. | |
68. McGehearty, P., and Guzmán A. (1986) Hierarchical Parallel Architectures for Symbolic Processing. MCC. Technical Report PP-387-86. | |
69. Guzmán A., Krall, E. J., McGehearty, P. F., and Bagherzadeh, N. (1987) Measurement of Symbolic Applications on a Parallel Architecture. Technical Report PP-076-87, MCC. | |
70. Guzmán A., Krall, E. J., McGehearty, P. F., and Bagherzadeh, N. (1987) Performance of Symbolic Applications on a Parallel Architecture. Technical Report PP-163-87, MCC. Also: International Journal of Parallel Programming, 16, 3, 183-214, June.. |
71. Guzmán A., and Hermenegildo, M. (1987) Constructs and Evaluation Strategies for Intelligent Speculative Parallelism –Armageddon revisited. Technical Report PP-220-87, MCC. Also: Proceedings of the ACM 1988 Sixteen Annual Computer Science Conference 558-566, Atlanta, Ga. February. | |
72. Guzmán A. (1987) Canonical Shape description for 3-D Stick Bodies. Technical Report ACA-254-87, MCC. | |
73. Guzmán, A. (1987) Shape Description in CYC. Technical Report AI-x-87(P), Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, MCC. MCC/ACA Confidential and Proprietary. | |
74. Guzmán, A. (1987) Existing and Projected Functionalities of CYC. Technical Report ACA-AI-331-87 (P). Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, MCC. MCC/ACA Confidential and Proprietary. | |
75. Guzmán A., Krall, E. J., McGehearty, P.F. y Bagherzadeh, N. (1987) The Effect of Application Characteristics on Performance in a Parallel Architecture. Technical Report ACA-262-87, MCC. Also: Proceedings of the Twenty First Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, January 1988. Honolulu, Hawaii. | |
76. Ramón D. Acosta and Adolfo Guzmán. (1991) An environment for functional and performance prototyping of parallel programs. Collected Papers of the 1991 Workshop on Hardware/Software CoDesign, XIII, International Conference on Software Engineering, Technical Report No. MCC-CAD-156-91, MCC, May. | |
77. Guzmán, A. (1991) Unified Step Language (USL). Technical Report, International Software Systems, Austin, Tx. | |
78. Guzmán, A. (1991) Process supervision, control and evaluation using an augmented SDDS. Technical Report, International Software Systems, Austin, Tx. | |
79. Guzmán, A. (1991) Compilation of schema objects into flat Ada structures. Technical Report, International Software Systems, Austin, Tx. | |
80. Guzmán, A. (1991) Flexibility and efficiency via operations’ particularization. Technical Report ISSI-91-005, International Software Systems, Austin, Tx. | |
81. Guzmán, A. (1991) Graphic queries and updates for 2-step. Technical Report ISSI-91-003, International Software Systems, Austin, Tx. | |
82. Guzmán A., and Yin, Weiping. (1991) Interconnection of software tools or applications, considered as black boxes. Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence, Cancún, Mexico, November. | |
83. Guzmán, A. (1992) Design of objects using C++. Course notes in Spanish. © 1992, SoftwarePro International | |
84. Guzmán, A. (1992) Design of objects using C++ for those who do not know C. Course notes in Spanish. © 1992, SoftwarePro International. | |
85. Guzmán, A. (1992) Design and construction of applications using objects. Course notes in Spanish. Fourth International Winter School in Selected Computer Topics. Mérida, Yucatán. 60 pages. |
86. Guzmán, A. (1993) Distributed Applications. Course notes in Spanish. © 1993, SoftwarePro International. | |
86bis. Guzmán, A. (1993) Design of a general system for tracking. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Computing, CeNac, Nov. 10-13. In Spanish. | |
87. Guzmán, A. (1993) Data base design: relational, objects, and notions about distributed data bases. Course notes in Spanish, ©1993, SoftwarePro International. | |
88. Guzmán, A. (1994) Modern programming techniques. Book in Spanish, 300 pages. © 1994, SoftwarePro International; printed by CeNaC; limited edition. | |
88b. Guzmán, A. (1994) Project “Access to unfamiliar data bases.” Final Report, IDASA, Mexico City. In Spanish. | |
88c. Guzmán, A. (1994) ANASIN. Intelligent analyzer and synthetizer of information. Technical Report. User Manual. IDASA. Mexico City. In Spanish. | |
88d. A. Guzmán Arenas, Gilberto Martínez Luna. (1994) Design of the summarizer/transmitter system for CFE. IDASA, Mexico City. In Spanish. |
89. Guzmán, A. (1995) K-D trees as supervised classifiers and to replace expert systems. Proceedings of the International Congress on Pattern Recognition. ICIMAF, Havana, Cuba. In Spanish. | |
90. Guzmán, A. (1996) Constructing quality software. Book in Spanish, 200 pages. © 1996, SoftwarePro International. Printed by CRECITI, Mexican Institute of Communications. Limited edition. | |
91. Guzmán, A. and Lara, W. (1996) Software development is a complex art. I.P.N.: Ciencia, arte y cultura, year I, Special Number, May. Mexico City. In Spanish. | |
92. Guzmán A. (1996) Data miners. Soluciones Avanzadas No. 34, Mexico City, June 15. Also: ARCHIPIÉLAGO. Vol. 2 No. 9, pages 19ff. Nov.-Dec. In Spanish. | |
93. Guzmán A. (1996) The Centro de Investigación en Computación. Soluciones Avanzadas, Vol. 4, no. 30, 15, 59-62. February. Mexico City. In Spanish | |
94. Guzmán A. (1996) Agents technology. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Computing, 25-36. CIC, October 21-23. Also: I.P.N. Ciencia, Arte y Cultura, Vol. 2, No.10, 3-10, Nov-Dic. In Spanish. | |
95. Guzmán A. (1996) Software tools for the distributed enterprise. Proceedings of the II National Congress on Electronics and Communications, 1-14. Union of Communications and Electronic Engineers (AMICEE), Oct. 28.30. Mexico City. In Spanish. | |
96. Guzmán A. (1996) Technology trends in software and Computer Science. Bulletin of Informatics Policies of INEGI # 6, 3-18, Mexico City. In Spanish. | |
96b. A. Guzmán, J. Ruiz, H. Sossa, M. Lazo, Juan Luis Díaz de León (eds). (1997) Proc. II Iberoamerican Workshop on Pattern Recognition, TIARP 97. CIC. ISBN 968-29-9892-1. In Spanish.. | |
96c. A. Guzmán. (1997) What is science. Talk at Universidad José Vasconcelos. Oaxaca, Oax. (Unwritten) |
96d. Luz García Martínez. (1977) Computation is the art of transmitting information between intelligent beings. Interview to Adolfo Guzmán Arenas. ACADEMIA, year 2, No. 8, 22-27, March -April. In Spanish. |
97. Guzmán A. (1997) State of the art and the practice in Data Mining. Analysis and Critic. Proceedings of the II Iberoamerican Workshop on Pattern Recognition, 367-376. Havana, Cuba. March 24-28. Also: CIC Technical Report Informe Técnico del CIC, green series, No. 3, March 1998. In Spanish. | |
98. Guzmán A. (1997) Finding the main topics in a Spanish article. Soluciones Avanzadas. Vol. 5, no. 47, pages 58-63, part I, July 15. Part II: vol. 5, no. 49, pages 66-71, September 15. Also in: Proceedings of the International Symposium in Computation 36-45, CIC. A short version of this article appears in Bulletin of the Mexican Society of Computer Science I, 1, 14-16, winter of 1999. Also: CIC Technical Report, blue series, No. 7, March 1998. In Spanish. | |
99. Guzmán, A. (1998) Finding the main themes in a Spanish document. Journal Expert Systems with Applications, Vol. 14, No. 1/2, 139-148, Jan./Feb. | |
99b. Adolfo Guzman. (1998) Clasitex+: A semantic analyzer for Spanish articles. InterSymp’98, 10th International Conference on System Research, Informatics and Cybernetics. Baden-Baden, Germany, 1998. |
100. Ruiz Shulclóper, José; Guzmán, A. and Martínez Trinidad, Francisco. (1999) Logic-combinatorial apprach to Pattern Recognition: Supervised classifiers. Editorial Politécnica. ISBN 970 18 2384 1. | |
101. Beatriz Beltrán Martínez, Adolfo Guzmán Arenas, Francisco Martínez Trinidad, José Ruiz Shulcloper. (1998) Clasitex+: a tool for knowledge discovery from texts . Proceedings of the III Iberoamerican workshop on Pattern Recognition, TIARP-98, 369-379. CIC. Also: CIC Technical Report, green series, No. 22, ISBN 970-18-1549-1. In Spanish. | |
101b. Martínez-Trinidad J.F., Beltrán-Martínez B., Guzmán A.A., & Ruíz-Shulcloper J. (1998). CLASITEX+: A Tool for Knowledge Discovery from Texts. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 1510: 459-467. Springer-Verlag. Also in: Proceedings of the Principles of Data Mining and Knowledge Discovering Conference. |
102. Gustavo Núñez, Leonid Sheremetov, Jesús Martínez, Adolfo Guzmán, Álvaro Albornoz. (1998) The EVA Teleteaching Project - the concept and the first experience in the development of Virtual Learning Spaces. In Teleteaching’98 Distance Learning, Training and Education: Proc. of the 15th IFIP World Computer Congress ‘The Global Information Society on the way to the next Millennium’, Gordon Davies (ed). Vienna and Budapest, Aug. 31-Sept. 4, Part II, 769-778. | |
103. Adolfo Guzmán. (1998) Computing in the Interscience. Proceedings of the International Congress on computing CIC 98 November. 41-56. Mexico City. ISBN 970-18-1916-0. Also: CIC Technical Report, green series, No. 21. ISBN 970-18-3331-7. Also: Academia, No. 18, Nov-Dec., 3-15. In Spanish. | |
104. Adolfo Guzmán. (1998) Realities and Perspectives of Computing in Mexico. Academia, 3, No. 15, 3-15. Publication of the Academic Division of IPN. Also: CIC Technical Report, green series, No. 22, ISBN 970-18-3332-5. In Spanish. | |
105. Adolfo Guzmán and Gustavo Núñez (1998) Virtual Learning Spaces in distance education; tools for the EVA Project. Journal Expert Systems with Applications, 15, 34, 205-210. Oct. Elsevier. | |
105a. Adolfo Guzmán (1998) Projects and Thesis topics in Computing. CIC Technical Report, green Series, No. 24. ISBN 970-18-3334-1. In Spanish. | |
105b. Adolfo Guzmán (1998) Searching large data bases with inexact keys. CIC Technical Report Series xx, No. xx. (Article never finished). The ideas here are better expressed in my articles about confusion over symbolic values, for instance, #167. | |
105c. Adolfo Guzmán. (1999) Path of a Ph. D. student. CIC Technical Report, green series, No. 23. It describes the steps that the student should take, their approximate duration and his expected progress. In Spanish. |
106. Adolfo Guzmán (1999) Effects of Computing on human rights: the case of the Centro de Investigación en Computación. Academia, 4, 22, 16-28, July-August. Also: Proceedings of the Latin American and Caribean Symposium: the information technologies in the society. Use and impact, present and future, 229-239.Aguascalientes, Mexico, 13-15 Oct. Edited by INEGI. ISBN 970 13 2758 6. In Spanish. | |
107. Adolfo Guzmán, Gilberto Martínez Luna (1999) Data mining with search for behavioral patterns. Bulletin of Informatics Policies, Year XXII, 2, 13-30. INEGI, Aguascalientes, Mexico. Also: CIC Technical Report, red series, No. 16, March 1998. In Spanish. | |
108. Alexander Gelbukh, Grigori Sidorov, Adolfo Guzman (1999) Text categorization using a hierarchical topic dictionary. IJCAI-99, International Joint Conference on Artificial intelligence, Workshop on Text Mining, 234-246, Stockholm, Sweden, July 31 to August 6. | |
109. García, A., Guzmán Arenas, A., Martínez Luna, G., and Núñez Esquer, G (1998) Supervised classification. Induction of decision trees. K-D algorithm. Proceedings of the International Congress in Computing. CIC 98, 602-614. Mexico City. Nov. ISBN 970-18-1916-0. In Spanish. | |
110. Guzmán, A (1999) Tools for the distributed enterprise. Proceedings of the Forum “Computing, from theory to practice”, pages 5-14. May 26-28. CIC. ISBN 970-18-3012-1. In Spanish. | |
111. Olivares, J, Demetrio Aguirre, A., Domínguez Ayala, María, and Guzmán Arenas, A (1999) Distributed collaboration among purposeful agents. Proceedings of the Forum “Computing, from theory to practice.” Pages 210-219. CIC, May 26-28. ISBN 970-18-3012-1. Also: Proceedings of the II Workshop of Artificial Intelligence, TAINA-99, 39-53. October. Edited by CIC. ISBN 970-18-3554-9. Also: CIC Technical Report, red series, No. 67, October. ISBN 970-18-3847-5 Also: Proceedings of the International Congress on Computing, CIC-99. Pedro Galicia, ed. CIC. ISBN 970-18-3697-9. In Spanish. | |
112. García, A., Guzmán Arenas, A., amd Martínez Luna, G. (1999) Anasin: Data mining with search for behavioral patterns. Proceedings of the Forum “Computing, from theory to practice.” Pages 15-28. Mexico City, May 26-28. ISBN 970-18-3012-1 Also: Proceedings of the International Congress in Computing CIC-99. Pedro Galicia, ed. ISBN 970-18-3697-9. Pages 528-540. Same publication as #107 (duplicated citation). In Spanish. | |
113. Guzmán, A. (1999) Data mining and data warehousing. Proceedings of the National Symposium on Computation SICOM 99, 5-13. Villahermosa, Tabasco. June 7-11. ISBN 970-18-3046-6. In Spanish. | |
114. Guzmán, A. (1999) Red tape, simplifying administrative chores and business reingeneering. III Women International Congress, Oct. 28-30. Also: Academia, IPN. Also: CIC Technical Report, red series, No. 69, November. In Spanish. | |
115. A. Gelbukh, G. Sidorov, and A. Guzmán-Arenas. (1999) A method of describing document contents through topic selection. Proc. Of the 6th International Symposium on String Processing and Information Retrieval, SPIRE 99 and CRIWG 99. Cancun, Mexico, September 22-24. Pages 73-80. IEEE Computer Society Order No. PR00268. (IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos, CA) IEEE Orden Plan Catalog No. PR00268. ISBN 0-7695-0268-7. Library of Congress 99-64139. | |
116. A. Gelbukh, G. Sidorov, and A. Guzmán-Arenas. (1999) Use of a weighted topic hierarchy for document classification. Text, Speech, Dialogue, 133-138. Pilsen, Chech Republic, September 13-17. Also: In Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 1692, Text, Speech and Dialogue, Václav Matousek, Pavel Mautner et al (eds).Springer Verlag.2 Pages 133-138. Abstract: | |
117. A. Gelbukh, G. Sidorov, and A. Guzmán-Arenas. (1999) Document comparison with a weighted topic hierarchy. DEXA-99, 10-th International Conference on Database and Expert System applications, Workshop on Document Analysis and Understanding for Document Databases, 566-570. Florence, Italy, August 30 to September 3. IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos, CA. | |
118. A. Gelbukh, G. Sidorov, A. Guzmán-Arenas. (1999) System for exploring and classifying documents with a dictionary of terms. Article in Russian. Proceedings of Knowledge, Dialogue, Solution. Yalta, Ukraine, September 13-18. (KDS-99). | |
119. A. Guzmán. (1999) Theory and applications of knowledge structuring. Entrance Dissertation, Academia Mexicana de Ingeniería (Mexican Academy of Engineering), October 7. Also: CIC Technical Report, red series, No. 68, October. Also: IPN Ciencia, Arte, Cultura, year 5, Vol. II, 13-22 (March-April 2000), first part. Vol. II, No. 31, 3-9 (May-June 2000), second part. In Spanish. | |
120. Alvaro de Albornoz, Adolfo Guzmán, Luis Hernández, Ángel Kuri, Carlos Vizcaíno (eds). (1999) SELECTED WORKS OF CIC, 1997-1998. CIC. ISBN 970 18 3427 5. | |
121. Leonid Sheremetov, Gustavo Núñez, Adolfo Guzmán. (1999) Artificial Intelligence and computational agent technologies in education: The EVA Project. Academia, year 4, No. 23, 45-53 (First part), Sep.-Oct. In Spanish. | |
122. Leonid Sheremetov, Gustavo Núñez, Adolfo Guzmán. (1999) Artificial Intelligence and computational agent technologies in education: The EVA Project. Academia, year 4, No. 24, 58-63 (second part), Nov.-Dic. In Spanish. | |
123. A. Guzmán. (1999) What the new millenium brings us . IPN Arte, Ciencia y Cultura, year 5, No. 28, Vol. II, 43-50. Nov.-Dic. Also: Soluciones Avanzadas 7, 75, 42-48. In Spanish. | |
124. Manuel Montes-y-Gómez, Aurelio López-López, Alexander F. Gelbukh, Grigori Sidorov, Adolfo Guzmán-Arenas. (1999) Text Mining: new techniques and applications. Text Mining Workshop at IJCAI-99, the Sixteenth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Stockholm, Sweden, 31 July - 6 August 1999. Also: CIC Technical Report No. 34, Blue Series, August. | |
124b. A. Gelbukh, G. Sidorov, and A. Guzmán-Arenas. (2000) Topical summarization with a weighted concept tree. Selected Papers of CIC 1999, A. Guzmán, R. Menchaca (eds). CIC. ISBN 970-18-4250-2. Pages 45-52. This is a revised version of paper # 116 | |
125. Adolfo Guzmán, Jesús Olivares, Araceli Demetrio and Carmen Domínguez (2000) Interaction of purposeful agents that use different ontologies. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 1793, 557-573. MICAI 2000: Advances in A. I. Osvaldo Cairo, Enrique Sucar, Francisco J. Cantu (eds). Springer Verlag.2 Also: CIC Technical Report 46, Blue Series, January 2000. ISBN 970-18-4132-8. | |
126. Jesús Olivares, Carmen Domínguez, Araceli Demetrio, and Adolfo Guzmán. (2000) A model for agents in interaction spaces, and the specification of its interpreter. CIC Technical Report #7, red series, February. In Spanish. | |
127. Francisco Martínez-Trinidad and Adolfo Guzmán. (2001) The logical combinatorial approach to Pattern Recognition, an overview through selected works. Pattern Recognition 34 (2001), 741-751. Also: CIC Technical Report #91, blue series, ISBN 970-18-6469-7. | |
128 Adolfo Guzmán, Jesús Olivares, Araceli Demetrio and Carmen Domínguez (2000). An introduction to purposeful agents sharing different ontologies. Invited paper for InterSymp 2000 Twelfth International Conference on Systems Research, Informatics and Cybernetics. July 31-August 4, 2000. Baden-Baden, Germany. The International Institute for Advanced Studies in Systems Research and Cybernetics, and Society for Applied Systems Research. This is an abridged version of paper #125. | |
129. Adolfo Guzmán, Rolando Menchaca, eds. (2000) SELECTED PAPERS OF CIC, 1999. CIC. ISBN 970-18-4250-2 | |
130. Adolfo Guzmán, Angel Kuri, Soila Vargas, Carlos Vizcaíno, eds.(2000) SOLUCIONES DE ALTA TECNOLOGÍA DEL CIC, 1999. CIC. ISBN 9070-18-4436-X. In Spanish. | |
131. Adolfo Guzmán (2000) What the new millenium brings us. CIENCIA 51, 2, 13-22. June. AMC. Mexico City. ISSN 1405-6550. Revised version of article # 123. In Spanish. | |
132. Adolfo Guzmán and Leonid Sheremetov (2000) Applying EVA to tailored virtual, distance, on-line education via Internet. CIC Technical Report, blue series, No. 73. | |
133. Leonid Sheremetov and Adolfo Guzmán (2002) EVA: An Interactive Web-Based Collaborative Learning Environment. Computers and Education 39, 161-182.Special issue on “Multimedia in Engineering Education and Training.” Elsevier Science. | |
134. Adolfo Guzman (2000) Families of “any time” algorithms and methods to compose them. Proceedings of the International Congress on Computing, CIC 2000. November. Pages 30-43. ISBN 970-18-5540-X. In Spanish. | |
135. Gustavo Núñez, Leonid Sheremetov, Adolfo Guzmán (2000) The EVA Project. Academia 5, 28, 55-62, July-August. In Spanish. | |
136. Gilberto Martínez, Adolfo Guzmán (2000). Search for behavioral patterns in data cubes. 2nd International Workshop on Data Mining, Colegio de Postgraduados y Centro de Investigación en Computación. Texcoco, Edo. Mex., México. Págs. 163-179, septiembre. In Spanish. Adolfo Guzmán, Luis Hernández. The CIC Digital Library and its Index of Knowledge.(It was not finished). |
137. Adolfo Guzman. (2001) Knowledge Representations in Interaction Tasks for Intelligent Program Systems. Proceedings of the International Scientific School “MODELLING and ANALYSIS of SAFETY, RISK and QUALITY in COMPLEX SYSTEMS” - MA SRQ-2001, 18-22 June, Saint-Petersburg, RUSSIA. Pages 52-55. También: Informe Técnico del CIC #94, Serie Azul, ISBN 970-18-6619-3. | |
138. Adolfo Guzmán (2001) Preface to the book Computación y Programación Moderna (Modern computing and programming), Guillermo Levine, autor. Pearson Education, Addison-Wesley. 609 páginas. ISBN 968-444-485-0. In Spanish. | |
139. Alexander Gelbukh, Grigori Sidorov, and Adolfo Guzman-Arenas. (2001) Document Indexing With a Concept Hierarchy. NDDL-2001, 1st International Workshop on New Developments in Digital Libraries at ICEIS-2001, International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, Setúbal, Portugal. Also in New Developments in Digital Libraries, Pedro Isaías (Ed.) ICEIS Press Setúbal, Portugal. Pages 47-54. ISBN 972-98050-4-0 | |
140. (Nothing) | |
141. Adolfo Guzman. (2002) What the new millenium brings us. Tecnocultura 2, 2, 30-37, May-August. Tecnológico de Estudios Superiores de Ecatepec, Edo. Mex. Slightly edited version of #131. In Spanish. | |
142. (Nothing) | |
143. Guzmán, A., Domínguez, C., and Olivares, J. (2002) Reacting to unexpected events and communicating in spite of mixed ontologies In Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 2313, 377-386, Springer Verlag, Heidelberg.2 ISBN 3-540-43475-5; ISSN 0302-9743. MICAI 2002, April. | |
144. A. Gelbukh, G. Sidorov, A. Guzman-Arenas. (2002) Simple Method for Hierarchical Conceptual Indexing of Documents Using Relational Data Model. In Advances in Information Science and Soft Computing, Alexander Zemliak, Nikos E. Mastorakis (Eds.), WSEAS Press. Pages 134-139. ISBN 960-8052-60-2. Conference: 2nd WSEAS ISA (Information Science and Applications 2002). Also: CIC Technical Report 101 (Red), May 2002. | |
145. Alexander Gelbukh, Grigori Sidorov, Adolfo Guzmán-Arenas. (2002) Relational Data Model in Document Hierarchical Indexing, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2389, 259-269. | |
146. Serguei Levachkine, A. Guzman-Arenas (2007) Hierarchy as a new data type for qualitative variables. Journal Expert Systems with Applications 32, 3, 899-910. | |
147. Mirna López, Antonio Martínez Alcántara, Adolfo Guzmán (2002) Heuristic rules: alternatives for refining interesting association rules. Unpublished manuscript, Mayo 2002. In Spanish. | |
148. Martínez Luna G. L., Guzmán Arenas A., Mikhail Alexandrov. (2004) Incremental model of mining with curve fitting. In The IASTED International Conference on Databases and Applications, DBA 2004, as part of the Twenty-Second IASTED International Multi-Conference on Applied Informatics. Innsbruck, Austria, February 17-19, 2004. | |
149. Martínez Luna G. L., Guzmán Arenas A., Alexandrov M. (2003) Data mining model with curve fitting. Proceedings of the International Congress in Computing CIC-2003. Pages 73-82, ISBN 970-36-0098-0. In Spanish. | |
149b. Martínez Luna G. L., Guzmán Arenas A., Alexandrov M. (2003) Data mining model with curve fitting. X International Congress of Research in Computer Science CIICC 2003, Oaxtepec, Morelos. CENIDET, SEP. Pages 5-14. ISBN 968-5823-02-2. In Spanish. | |
150. Guzman, A., and Olivares, J. (2004) Finding the Most Similar Concepts in two Different Ontologies. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence LNAI 2972, Springer-Verlag. 129-138. ISSN 0302-9743. | |
151. Guzman, A., and Levachkine, S. (2004) Hierarchies Measuring Qualitative Variables. Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS 2945 (Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing), Springer-Verlag. 262-274. ISSN 0372-9743. | |
152. Guzman, A., and Levachkine, S. (2004) Graduated errors in approximate queries using hierarchies and ordered sets. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence LNAI 2972, Springer-Verlag. 139-148. ISSN 0302-9743. | |
153. Serguei Levachkine and Adolfo Guzman-Arenas. (2004) Relatedness of the elements of a hierarchy partitioned by percentages. Unpublished manuscript. | |
154. Adolfo Guzman. (2004) Myths, beliefs and superstitions about the quality of software and of its teaching. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3061, 1-8. Springer Verlag, ISSN 0302-9743. | |
155. Adolfo Guzman-Arenas and Victor-Polo de Gyves. (2004) A distributed digital text accessing and acquisition system. BiblioDigital. ÓSoftwarePro International. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3061, 274-283. (Springer Verlag 2004), ISSN 0302-9743. | |
156. Adolfo Guzmán. (2003) Design of a flow computer using the DSP 5509. Report AGA 03.02.28. Project 280157. Centro de Investigación Aplicada y Tecnología, A.C. (CIATEQ, or Center for Applied Research and Technology), Querétaro, Mexico. In Spanish. | |
157. Adolfo Guzmán. (2003) Flow computer with two processors DSP “Texas Instruments” model TMS320C5509A. Report AGA 03.06.26, Project 280157. It replaces Report AGA 03.06.05. CIATEQ, Querétaro, México. In Spanish. | |
158. Jesus Olivares-Ceja, Adolfo Guzman. (2004) Multipurpose Agent Model and its Interpreter. Unpublished manuscript. | |
159. Jesus M. Olivares-Ceja, Adolfo Guzman-Arenas. (2004) Concept similarity measures the understanding between two agents. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3136 (Springer Verlag) 182-194 | |
160. Martínez-Luna G. L., Guzmán-Arenas A, Alexandrov-Aronovich M. (2004) Incremental data mining model with curve fitting in data cubes. Unpublished manuscript. In Spanish. | |
161. Martínez-Luna G. L., Guzmán-Arenas A., Sossa-Azuela H, Vázquez-Gallo M., Cedeño-Nicolas J. (2004) Corroboration and formation of theories from antropological and archeological data. Applications of data analysis . Unpublished manuscript. In Spanish. | |
162. Martínez-Luna G. L., Guzmán-Arenas A., Vázquez-Gallo M., Camacho-González G.M., Hernández-García O., Cedeño-Nicolas J. (2004) Information systems for queries to archeological research. Unpublished manuscript. In Spanish. | |
163. Victor Polo de Gyves y Adolfo Guzmán (2005) Bibliodigital. Network to share distributed information. Bulletin of the National Systems of Statistics and Geographic Information 1, 1, 73-80. May. INEGI. In Spanish. | |
164. Victor Polo de Gyves, Adolfo Guzman, Serguei Levachkine (2005) Extending databases to precision-controlled retrieval of qualitative information. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3563 (Springer Verlag 2005) 21-32. | |
165. Adolfo Guzman-Arenas (2006) Myths, beliefs and superstitions about quality of software and its teaching. CIENCIA, July-Sept.,AMC. In Spanish. | |
166. Adolfo Guzman-Arenas. (2004) Data mining model with curve fitting. Proceedings of the IV Meeting of the Mexican Mathematics Society. Page 125. Abstract of #165. In Spanish. | |
167. Sergei Levachkine, Adolfo Guzman-Arenas, Victor Polo de Gyves (2005) The semantics of confusion in hierarchies: from theory to practice. In Contributions to ICCS 05 13th International Conference on Conceptual Structures: common semantics for sharing knowledge, July 18-22 2005, Kassel, Germany. 94-107. | |
168. Adolfo Guzman-Arenas, Jesus M. Olivares-Ceja (2006)Measuring the understanding between two agents through concept similarity. Journal Expert Systems with Applications 30, 4 577-591, Elsevier. | |
169. A. Gelbukh, G. Sidorov, and A. Guzman-Arenas. (2005) Document Indexing with a Concept Hierarchy. Computación y SistemasVIII, No. 4, 281-292. | |
170. Alma-Delia Cuevas, Adolfo Guzman-Arenas. (2005) Improving the Search in Ontology OB for the Concept most Similar to cA in OA. Unpublished manuscript. | |
171. Adolfo Guzmán Arenas (2008) Design and construction of parallel Mexican computers. In “Descubrimiento y Aportaciones Científicas Mexicanas en el Siglo Veinte” (Discovers and scientific Mexican contributions during the XX Century), Octavio Paredes, Sergio Estrada Orihuela (Eds.), Fondo de Cultura Económica. 350-359. ISBN 978-968-16-8634-5. In Spanish. | |
171a. Adolfo Guzman-Arenas, Sergei Levachkine and Victor-Polo de-Gyves, Measuring the confusion between two qualitative values organized in hierarchies. Submitted to Journal on Data Semantics. |
172. Adolfo Guzman. (2006) Artificial Intelligence arrives to the 21st Century. Lecture Notes for Artificial Intelligence 4293, 1-14. Springer. |
173. Alma-Delia Cuevas, Adolfo Guzman. (2006) Automatic merging of knowledge using ontologies. Research in Computer Science, Special issue on Data Mining and Information |
174. Adriana Jiménez, Adolfo Guzman. (2006) Measuring inconsistency over a hierarchy of qualitative facts. Research in Computer Science, Special issue on Data Mining and Information |
175. Alma-Delia Cuevas, Adolfo Guzman. (2006) A language and algorithm for automatic merging of ontologies. 15th International Conference on Computing (CIC 06), 180-185. |
176. Alma-Delia Cuevas, Adolfo Guzman. (2008) A language and algorithm for automatic merging of ontologies. Chapter of the book Handbook of Ontologies for Business Interaction, Peter Rittgen, ed. IGI Global (formerly Idea Group Inc.), USA. 381-404. |
177. Alma-Delia Cuevas, Adolfo Guzman. OM fuses Ontologies without Human Intervention. Unpublished manuscript. |
178. Adolfo Guzman-Arenas, Adriana Jimenez. Obtaining the consensus and inconsistency among a set of qualitative facts. Unpublished manuscript. (Outline of how to solve the first five problems in Inconsistency) |
179. Alejandro Botello, Adolfo Guzman-Arenas, Renato Barrera. (2007) Query resolution in independent databases by partial integration. International Congress on Data Mining |
180. Alma-Delia Cuevas, Adolfo Guzman-Arenas. (2007) Fusing knowledge with ontologies. Unpublished manuscript. In Spanish. |
181. Alma-Delia Cuevas, Adolfo Guzman-Arenas. (2009) Fusing interesting topics in the Web. Ingeniería, Investigación y Tecnología vol X, No. 1, pages 63-73. | |
182. Adolfo Guzman, Claudia Nogueron, Alicia Martinez. (2008) Generation of interesting knowledge using data mining: a user-oriented approach. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, vol. 17, No. 4C, pages 116-123. |
183. Adolfo Guzman, Alma-Delia Cuevas. (2010) Automatic fusion of knowledge stored in ontologies. Intelligent Decision Technologies 4, 1, 5-19. DOI: 10.3233/IDT-2010-0066 | |
184. Gilberto Martinez-Luna, Adolfo Guzmán-Arenas. (2008) Antecumen. Prototype of a tool for data analysis with cubes in main memory. World Conference on Information and Computing Technology 2008. In Spanish. |
185. Alma-Delia Cuevas, Adolfo Guzman-Arenas (2009) Automatic interchange of knowledge between business ontologies. Withdrawn from Proceedings of Intelligent Decision Support Technologies 2009, Japan. This is a shorter version, suited for a Congress, of paper #183. | |
186. Adolfo Guzman-Arenas, Adriana Jimenez, (2010) Obtaining the consensus and inconsistency among a set of assertions on a qualitative attribute. Journal Expert Systems with Applications 37, 158-164. doi:10.1016/j.eswa.2009.05.010 | |
187. Adolfo Guzman-Arenas, Alma-Delia Cuevas (2010) Knowledge accumulation through automatic merging of ontologies. Journal Expert Systems with Applications 37, 1991-2005 doi:10.1016/j.eswa.2009.06.078 | |
188. Ernesto Bribiesca, Adolfo Guzman. (2012) Enclosing Trees. Pattern Analysis and Applications 15:1-17. |
189. Adolfo Guzman-Arenas, Alma-Delia Cuevas, Adriana Jimenez. (2011) The centroid or consensus of a set of objects with qualitative attributes. Expert Systems with Applications 38 (2011) 4908-4919. |
190. Manuel González Hernández, Adolfo Guzmán Arenas, Juan Carlos Seck Tuoh Mora. (2007) Communication among expert systems. Fifth LACCEI International Latin American and Caribbean Conference for Engineering and Technology (LACCEI’2007). Tampico Mexico. 1-10. In Spanish. | |
191. Eduardo Godínez, Gilberto Martínez-Luna, Adolfo Guzman-Arenas, (2010) SATC Tool for Analysis of the Evolution of Scientific Knowledge. II International Conference on Computer Technology and Development, ICCTD 2010, 2-4Nov., pages 42-46. | |
192. Ernesto Bribiesca, Adolfo Guzman-Arenas, Luis A. Martínez. (2011) Representation of 3-D objects using enclosing trees. In Computational Intelligence Techniques in Handling Image Processing and Pattern Recognition, S. Ramakrishnan & Ibrahiem M. M. El Emary (Eds.), Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany. 227-252. | |
193. Adolfo Guzman-Arenas and Alma-Delia Cuevas. (2011) Clustering via centroids a bag of qualitative values and measuring its inconsistency. Chapter of the book “Quantitative Semantics and Soft Computing Methods for the Web: Perspectives and Applications”, Ramon F. Brena and Adolfo Guzman-Arenas, editors. IGI Global. | |
194. Adolfo Guzman-Arenas and Ramon Brena. (2011) Approximate methods in Semantics for the Internet: An introductory map to Quantitative Semantics. In “Quantitative Semantics and Soft Computing Methods for the Web: Perspectives and Applications”, Ramon F. Brena and Adolfo Guzman-Arenas, editors. IGI Global. | |
195. Manuel Gonzalez, Adolfo Guzmán, Sergio Chapa, Juan Carlos Sekh Tuoh, Norberto Hernández, Alexander Karelin. (2011) A cooperative expert system behaves as a finite state machine. Ninth LACCEI International Latin American and Caribbean Conference (LACCEI’2011), Engineering for a Smart Planet, Innovation, Information Technology and Computational Tools for Sustainable Development August 3-5, Medellín Colombia. |
196. An efficient population-merging execution model, for evolutionary algorithms. In preparation. |
197. Israel Toledo, Gilberto Martínez-Luna, Adolfo Guzman-Arenas. (2012) Automatic building of an ontology from a corpus of text documents using data mining tools. Journal of Applied Research and Technology 10, 3, 398-404. |
198. Adolfo Guzmán-Arenas, Alma-Delia Cuevas, (2011) Quantitative Measures of confusion and inconsistency for symbolic values, unpublished manuscript. | |
199. Ramon Brena and Adolfo Guzman-Arenas. (2011) “Quantitative Semantics and Soft Computing Methods for the Web: Perspectives and Applications”, Ramon F. Brena and Adolfo Guzman-Arenas, editors. IGI Global. |
200. Diana Villanueva, Alma-Delia Cuevas, Omar Juárez, Adolfo Guzmán-Arenas (2013). Using frames to disambiguate propositions, Journal Expert Systems with Applications 40, 598-610. |
201 I. Toledo-Gómez, E. Valtierra-Romero, A. Guzmán-Arenas, A. Cuevas-Rasgado, L. Martínez-Segundo. (submitted) AnaPro, tool for identification and resolution of direct anaphora in Spanish. Journal of Applied Research and Technology. Submitted. |
201a. Lopez-Yebra, Gabriela; Guzmán-Arenas, Adolfo; Cuevas-Rasgado, Alma (unpublished) Pattern-driven knowledge extraction and representation from descriptive Spanish documents. (software called SERCDD). | |
202. Luis Martinez, Ernesto Bribiesca, Adolfo Guzmán. Chain coding representation of voxel-based objects with enclosing, edging and intersecting trees. Pattern Analysis and Applications. ISSN: 1433-7541 DOI: 10.1007/s10044-016-0540-4. Published online: March 11, 2016. | |
203. Luis Martinez, Ernesto Bribiesca, Adolfo Guzmán. (2013). Voxel-based object representation by means of edging trees. 17th International Conference on Image Processing, Computer Vision, & Pattern Recognition, July 22-25, Las Vegas, USA. |
204. Rodolfo Vilchis, Gilberto Martínez, Adolfo Guzmán-Arenas (unpublished). Visualization of the largest number of properties of multivariate objects using meta-dimensional grouping. |
205. Javier Arellano-Verdejo, Adolfo Guzmán-Arenas, Salvador Godoy-Calderón and Ricardo Barrón Fernández. (2014) Efficiently Finding the Optimum Number of Clusters in a Dataset with a new Hy-brid Cellular Evolutionary Algorithm. Computación y Sistemas vol. 2, No. 4, April-June, pages 313-328 ISSN: 1405-5546 |
206. A. Pineda-Bribiescas, A. Cuevas-Rasgado, Y. Niño-Membrillo, A. Guzmán-Arenas, O. Juárez-Gambino (unpublished) Semantic Analyzer for Spanish, using ontologies. |
207. Benina Velázquez, Jesús Olivares, Miguel Patiño, Adolfo Guzmán-Arenas (2015) Integración de fuentes heterogéneas de datos textuales.. Polibits 51, 19-25. ISSN: 1870-9044 |
208. Sergio R. Coria, Carlos Gay-García, Lourdes Villers-Ruiz, Adolfo Guzmán-Arenas, Oscar Sánchez-Meneses, Oswaldo Rey Ávila-Barrón, Mónica Pérez-Meza, Xóchitl Cruz-Núñez, Gilberto Lorenzo Martínez-Luna (2016) ) Climate Patterns of Political Division Units Obtained by Using Automatic Classification Trees.. ATMOSFERA 29(4), 359-377. ISSN: 2395-8812 |
209. J. Reynoso, A. Cuevas, F. García and A. Guzmán (2015) )Automatic Mapping Magnetic Resonance Images into Multimedia Database using SIFT. IEEE Latin America Transactions Vol.13 No. 8, 2709-2714. Resonance images of prosthesis are automatically classified in an ontology. ISSN: 1548-0992 |
210 Adriana Jiménez, Adolfo Guzmán Arenas, José Medel. (unpublished) Inconsistency resulting in confusion through hierarchy theories. |
211. S. Levashkin, V. Alexandrov, and A. Guzmán. (2016) ) Kolmogorov’s Theory of Computer Science. IEEE Latin America Transactions 14, 3, 1447-1453. March 2016. ISSN: 1548-0992 |
212. Alma Delia Cuevas-Rasgado, Adolfo Guzmán-Arenas, Gabriela López-Yebra. (unpublished) Extraction and representation of descriptive documents in Spanish about concepts in a natural disaster. |
213. Sergei Levashkin, Victor Alexandrov, Adolfo Guzmán-Arenas. (unpublished) Kolmogorov's Legacy: Algorithmic Theory of Informatics and Kolmogorov Programmable Technology. |
214. Ana Cruz-Martínez, Adolfo Guzmán Arenas. (unpublished) Computer detection of variable objects and supernovae. |
215. Víctor Zaragoza-Luna, Adolfo Guzmán-Arenas, Gilberto Martínez-Luna, Jesús Olivares-Ceja. (unpublished) Natural clustering of Spanish documents using semantic closeness given by WordNet. |
216. Ernesto Bribiesca, Adolfo Guzmán-Arenas, Miguel Angel Castillo-Orta, Wendy Aguilar. (unpublished) A Measure of Tortuosity for 3D Surfaces. |
217. RieSis in English. RieSis, software to manage a severe seismic contingency. (Unpublished) |
218.Gilberto Martínez-Luna, Jesús Olivares, Eric Ortega Villanueva, Adolfo Guzmán Arenas. (2014) Mining academic data using visual patterns. Proc. of the 2014 Thirtheenth Mexican International Congress on Artificial Intelligence (MICAI 2014) Pages 93-96. |
219.Gilberto Martínez-Luna, Adolfo Guzmán Arenas, Arturo Heredia Márquez. (2015). Visualización del análisis de la contribución temática en los resultados EXCALE 2012. Proc. of the IEEE ROC&C'2014-2015, Vigésimaquinta reunión internacional de otoño de Comunicaciones, Computación, Electrónica, Robótica y exposición industrial. Ponencia CM-15. Pages 1-6. |
220.Gilberto Martínez-Luna, Adolfo Guzmán Arenas, Manuel Gutírrez Ceballos. (2015). Plataforma para el análisis de fenómenos urbanos: movilidad del crimen, sendero seguro y patrones en tiempo y espacio. Proc. of the IEEE ROC&C'2014-2015, Vigésimaquinta reunión internacional de otoño de Comunicaciones, Computación, Electrónica, Robótica y exposición industrial. Ponencia CP-28. Pages 1-6. |