''' Version 3.3 Created on 11/12/2014, tested for Python 3 Update on 9/05/2016 (mixed sn-grams supported) @authors: Juan Pablo Posadas, Grigori Sidorov Class for obtaining syntactic n-grams from dependency trees using Stanford parser output This version supports continuous, non continuous sn-grams and without stop words or content sn-grams. It also supports mixed sn-grams (first element of one type and the rest of elements of different type) NOTE: Input tree should NOT be collapsed: -outputFormat "wordsAndTags, typedDependencies" -outputFormatOptions "basicDependencies" NOTE: Since ",", "[", "]", and "\" are part of our metalanguage, we add a slash to them when they are part of the sentence (sn-grams), e.g., "\,", "\[", "\\" This version allows to process separately nodes that have too many children (for a given threshold) and select min and max sizes of sn-grams. Default: 5, 2, 7 Ensure not to use input symbols that are not UTF-8. Converted to Python 3 by C. Caballero, Jan. 2020 ''' import copy, sys, re import codecs class ReduceDepInfo(object): ''' This class obtains a reduced version of the original syntactic tree, eliminating the stop words ''' def __init__(self, obj, dictionary, has_POS): ''' Constructor ''' self.word = copy.deepcopy(obj.word) #Dictionary of original words according to their positions self.pos = copy.deepcopy(obj.pos) #Dictionary with POS tags of words self.dep = copy.deepcopy(obj.dep) #Dictionary with the index of the father self.rel = copy.deepcopy(obj.rel) #Dictionary with dependency relations self.children = copy.deepcopy(obj.children) #Dictionary with words that are dependent for a (key) word self.leaves = [] #List of indexes of words that are leaves self.root_idx = obj.root_idx #Index of the root self.drop_nodes(dictionary, obj, has_POS) ######################################################################## def drop_nodes(self, dictionary, obj, has_POS): nodes = copy.deepcopy(list(obj.word.keys())) #List of indexes of the sentece elements without the root nodes.remove(obj.root_idx) for node in nodes: if self.word[node].lower() in dictionary:#Case where we have to remove the node father = self.dep[node] relation = self.rel[node] if node in self.children: for child in self.children[node]: self.children[father].append(child)#Update the relations between nodes self.rel[child] = relation + ";"+ self.rel[child] self.dep[child] = father self.children.pop(node)#Update the general dictionary of children #Eliminate its occurrence in the tree self.word.pop(node) self.dep.pop(node) self.rel.pop(node) self.children[father].remove(node) if has_POS == 1: self.pos.pop(node) if len(self.children[father]) == 0:#Update the status of a node to a leaf self.children.pop(father) for i in list(self.word.keys()):#this cycle updates the list of leaves in the sentence if i not in list(self.children.keys()): self.leaves.append(i) ###################### class OnlyStopW(object): ''' This class obtains a reduced version of the original syntactic tree, keeping only stop words ''' def __init__(self, obj, dictionary, has_POS): ''' Constructor ''' self.word = copy.deepcopy(obj.word) #Dictionary of original words according to their positions self.pos = copy.deepcopy(obj.pos) #Dictionarywith POS tags of words self.dep = copy.deepcopy(obj.dep) #Dictionary with the index of the father self.rel = copy.deepcopy(obj.rel) #Dictionary with dependency relations self.children = copy.deepcopy(obj.children) #Dictionary with words that are dependent for a (key) word self.leaves = [] #List of indexes of words that are leaves self.root_idx = obj.root_idx #Index of the root self.word[self.root_idx] = "null" self.rel[self.root_idx] = "null" self.drop_nodes(dictionary, obj, has_POS) ######################################################################## def drop_nodes(self, dictionary, obj, has_POS): nodes = copy.deepcopy(list(obj.word.keys())) #List of indexes of the sentece elements without the root nodes.remove(obj.root_idx) for node in nodes: if self.word[node].lower() not in dictionary:#Case where we have to remove the node father = self.dep[node] relation = self.rel[node] if node in self.children: for child in self.children[node]: self.children[father].append(child)#Update the relations between nodes self.rel[child] = relation + ";"+ self.rel[child] self.dep[child] = father self.children.pop(node)#Update the general dictionary of children #Eliminate its appearence in the tree self.word.pop(node) self.dep.pop(node) self.rel.pop(node) self.children[father].remove(node) if has_POS == 1: self.pos.pop(node) if len(self.children[father]) == 0:#Update the status of a node to a leaf self.children.pop(father) for i in list(self.word.keys()):#this cycle updates the list of leaves in the sentence if i not in list(self.children.keys()): self.leaves.append(i) ###################### class DepInfo(object): ''' This class represents the dependency information of a sentence ''' def __init__(self, lines, has_POS): ''' Constructor ''' self.word = {} #Dictionary of original words according to their positions self.pos = {} #Dictionary with POS tags of words self.rel = {} #Dictionary with dependency relations self.dep = {} #Dictionary with the index of the father self.children = {} #Dictionary with words that are dependent for a (key) word self.leaves = [] #List of indexes of words that are leaves self.root_idx = -1 #Index of the root self.prepare_indices(lines,has_POS) ###################### def prepare_indices(self, lines,has_POS): pattern = r"(.*)\((.+)-(\d+),\s(.+)-(\d+)\)" if has_POS == 1: postags = lines.pop(0)#Obtain the information about POS tags from the list lines for line in lines: matchObj = re.match(pattern, line) idx = int(matchObj.group(5)) self.rel[idx] = matchObj.group(1) p_idx = int(matchObj.group(3)) self.dep [idx] = p_idx self.word[idx] = matchObj.group(4) if self.word[idx] == ',': self.word[idx] = "\," elif self.word[idx] == '[': self.word[idx] = "\[" elif self.word[idx] == ']': self.word[idx] = "\]" elif self.word[idx] == '\\': self.word[idx] = "\\\\" ###Case added to handle number that include colons (thousands) if self.word[idx].find(",")>-1: self.word[idx] = self.word[idx].replace(",","\,") self.children[p_idx] = self.children.get(p_idx, []) self.children[p_idx].append(idx) if self.dep [idx] == 0: self.root_idx = idx self.rel[idx] = "root"#Line added because of the FREELING output #Determine if a word is a leaf for i in list(self.word.keys()): if i not in list(self.children.keys()): self.leaves.append(i) if has_POS == 1: ####Next section stores the information of POS tags postags = postags.split(" ") aa = list(self.word.keys()) aa.sort() for idx in aa: self.pos[idx] = postags[idx-1].split("/")[1] ###################### class BiSNgrams(object): ''' classdocs ''' def __init__(self, min_size, max_size, max_num_children, option): ''' Constructor ''' self.min_size = min_size #The minimum size for the sn-grams self.max_size = max_size #The maximum size for the sn-grams self.max_num_children = max_num_children #The maximum number of children per node if option in range(0,8): self.option = option #Type of sn-grams to be obtained: 0 for WORD sn-grams; 1 for sn-grams of SR Tags ; 2 for both else: print("Error: Invalid value for the parameter option") exit(1) self.subtrees = [] #List that contains all the nodes that are not leaves self.DepNgrams = [] self.log = [] #List that contains the nodes that have more children than the parameter max_num_children self.dicPOSTags = [] self.dicSRTags = [] self.dicWordNgrams = [] self.dicWordSR = [] self.dicWordPOS = [] self.dicSRWord = [] self.dicSRPOS = [] self.dicPOSWord = [] self.dicPOSSR = [] for i in range(min_size, max_size+1): self.dicPOSTags.append({}) self.dicSRTags.append({}) self.dicWordNgrams.append({}) def reset_vars (self): del self.subtrees[:] del self.DepNgrams[:] del self.log[:] del self.dicPOSTags[:] del self.dicSRTags[:] del self.dicWordNgrams[:] del self.dicWordSR[:] del self.dicWordPOS[:] del self.dicSRWord[:] del self.dicSRPOS[:] del self.dicPOSWord[:] del self.dicPOSSR[:] for i in range(self.min_size, self.max_size+1): self.dicPOSTags.append({}) self.dicSRTags.append({}) self.dicWordNgrams.append({}) self.dicWordSR.append({}) self.dicWordPOS.append({}) self.dicSRWord.append({}) self.dicSRPOS.append({}) self.dicPOSWord.append({}) self.dicPOSSR.append({}) ######################################### def print_parsed_sentence(self, sentence, has_POS): line = "*****Sentence: " for i in sorted(sentence.word.keys()): line += sentence.word[i]+" " print(line.rstrip(" ")) #########''' line = "" for i in list(sentence.word.keys()): line = str(i) + "\t" line += sentence.word[i] + "\t" if has_POS == 1: line += sentence.pos [i] + "\t" line += sentence.rel [i] + "\t" line += str(sentence.dep [i]) + "\t" if i not in sentence.leaves: line += str(sentence.children[i]) print(line) print("Leaf nodes are:") line = "" for i in sentence.leaves: line += sentence.word[i] + ", " print(line) #########''' def write_all_sn_grams (self, f2,sent_num): ''' This method write in a file one kind of sn-gram according with the value of op ''' if self.option == 0:#Acording with the params, the sngrams are stored in the container d = self.dicWordNgrams f2.write("Sentence "+sent_num+" ************sn-grams of words:\n") elif self.option == 1: d = self.dicSRTags f2.write("Sentence "+sent_num+" ************sn-grams of tags of syntactic relations (SR tags):\n") elif self.option == 2: d = self.dicPOSTags f2.write("Sentence "+sent_num+" ************sn-grams of POS tags:\n") elif self.option == 3: d = self.dicWordSR f2.write("Sentence "+sent_num+" ************sn-grams Word-SR:\n") elif self.option == 4: d = self.dicWordPOS f2.write("Sentence "+sent_num+" ************sn-grams Word-POS:\n") elif self.option == 5: d = self.dicSRWord f2.write("Sentence "+sent_num+" ************sn-grams SR-Word:\n") elif self.option == 6: d = self.dicSRPOS f2.write("Sentence "+sent_num+" ************sn-grams SR-POS:\n") elif self.option == 7: d = self.dicPOSWord f2.write("Sentence "+sent_num+" ************sn-grams POS-Word:\n") elif self.option == 8: d = self.dicPOSSR f2.write("Sentence "+sent_num+" ************sn-grams POS-SR:\n") for idx, dic in enumerate(d): f2.write ("\n************Size: " + str(idx + self.min_size) + "\n") if len(list(dic.keys())) > 0: for item in list(dic.keys()): f2.write (item + "\t" + str(dic[item]) + "\n") else: f2.write("EMPTY\n") f2.write("\n") #if self.option == 0 or self.option == 3: # self.write_WordSngrams(f2,sent_num) #if self.option == 1 or self.option == 3: # self.write_SRSngrams(f2,sent_num) #if self.option == 2 or self.option == 3: # self.write_POSSngrams(f2,sent_num) ################################ ''' def write_WordSngrams(self,f2,sent_num): f2.write("Sentence "+sent_num+" ************sn-grams of words:\n") for idx, dic in enumerate(self.dicWordNgrams): f2.write ("\n************Size: " + str(idx + self.min_size) + "\n") if len(dic.keys()) > 0: for item in dic.keys(): f2.write (item + "\t" + str(dic[item]) + "\n") else: f2.write("EMPTY\n") f2.write("\n") def write_SRSngrams(self,f2,sent_num): f2.write("Sentence "+sent_num+" ************sn-grams of tags of syntactic relations (SR tags):\n") for idx, dic in enumerate(result.dicSRTags): f2.write ("\n************Size: " + str(idx + self.min_size) + "\n") if len(dic.keys()) > 0: for item in dic.keys(): f2.write (item + "\t" + str(dic[item]) + "\n") else: f2.write("EMPTY\n") f2.write("\n") def write_POSSngrams(self,f2,sent_num): f2.write("Sentence "+sent_num+" ************sn-grams of POS tags:\n") for idx, dic in enumerate(self.dicPOSTags): f2.write ("\n************Size: " + str(idx + self.min_size) + "\n") if len(dic.keys()) > 0: for item in dic.keys(): f2.write (item + "\t" + str(dic[item]) + "\n") else: f2.write("EMPTY\n") f2.write("\n") ''' def print_sngrams(self): if self.option == 0:#Acording with the params, the sngrams are stored in the container d = self.dicWordNgrams print("************sn-grams of words:") elif self.option == 1: d = self.dicSRTags print("************sn-grams of tags of syntactic relations (SR tags):") elif self.option == 2: d = self.dicPOSTags print("************sn-grams of POS tags:") elif self.option == 3: d = self.dicWordSR print("************sn-grams Word-SR:") elif self.option == 4: d = self.dicWordPOS print("************sn-grams Word-POS:") elif self.option == 5: d = self.dicSRWord print("************sn-grams SR-Word:") elif self.option == 6: d = self.dicSRPOS print("************sn-grams SR-POS:") elif self.option == 7: d = self.dicPOSWord print("************sn-grams POS-Word:") elif self.option == 8: d = self.dicPOSSR print("************sn-grams POS-SR:") for idx, dic in enumerate(d): print("\n************Size: " + str(idx + self.min_size)) if len(list(dic.keys())) > 0: for item in list(dic.keys()): print(item + "\t"+str(dic[item])) else: print("EMPTY") print("****************************************") ########################### def process_sentence (self, lines, option2, dictionary,has_POS): ''' This method calls the specific methods (general steps) for producing sn-grams according to the parameter "option" ''' self.reset_vars() sentence = DepInfo(lines,has_POS) self.print_parsed_sentence(sentence,has_POS) #print "Valor de la opcion 2 "+str(option2) if option2 == 1:#In this case we reduce the sentence = ReduceDepInfo(sentence, dictionary, has_POS) self.print_parsed_sentence(sentence) elif option2 == 2: sentence = OnlyStopW(sentence, dictionary, has_POS) self.print_parsed_sentence(sentence) for i in list(sentence.word.keys()): if i in list(sentence.children.keys()): self.subtrees.append(i)#Store all the possible roots of the subtrees if self.option in range(0,9): if self.min_size >= 0: if self.max_size >= self.min_size: if self.min_size <= len(sentence.word): if self.max_size > len(sentence.word): line = "\tMessage: The value of the maximum size exceeds the length of the sentence.\n" #print line if self.min_size == 0 or self.max_size == 0: line = "\tMessage: the program will obtain the sn-grams of all possible sizes.\n" #print line log = self.get_all_DepNgrams(sentence) if len(log) > 0: line = "\tThe next words have more than "+ str(self.max_num_children) +" children:\n" print(line) for item in log: line = "\t\t"+sentence.word[item]+"\n" print(line) if self.option in range(0,9): self.store_all_DepNgrams(sentence, self.option) #else: # self.store_all_DepNgrams(sentence, 0) # self.store_all_DepNgrams(sentence, 1) # self.store_all_DepNgrams(sentence, 2) #self.show_sngrams(sentence, log) #This method only shows the sn-grams obtained from the sentence else: line = "\tERROR: The value of the minimum size exceeds the length of the sentence\n" # print line else: line = "\tERROR: The maximum size must be greater than the minimum size\n" print(line) else: line = "\tERROR: The value of the minimum size is not allowed\n" print(line) else: line = "\tERROR: Invalid value for the parameter option\n" print(line) def prepare_SNgram(self, line, sentence, op): ''' op = -1 for sngrams of index op = 0 for sngrams of words op = 1 for sngrams of sr tags op = 2 for sngrams of POS tags op = 3 for Word/SR SNgrams op = 4 for Word/POS SNgrams op = 5 for SR/Word SNgrams op = 6 for SR/POS SNgrams op = 7 for POS/Word SNgrams op = 8 for POS/SR SNgrams ''' ngram = "" for item in line: if type(item) is str: ngram += item elif type(item) is int: if op == -1: ngram += str(item) elif op == 0: ngram += sentence.word[item] elif op == 1: ngram += sentence.rel[item] elif op == 2: ngram += sentence.pos[item] elif op == 3: ngram += sentence.word[item] op = 1 elif op == 4: ngram += sentence.word[item] op = 2 elif op == 5: ngram += sentence.rel[item] op = 0 elif op == 6: ngram += sentence.rel[item] op = 2 elif op == 7: ngram += sentence.pos[item] op = 0 elif op == 8: ngram += sentence.pos[item] op = 1 else: ngram += self.prepare_SNgram(item, sentence, op) return ngram ###################### def is_continuous(self, ngram): ''' This method tests if a sn-gram is continuous or not. It assumes that no punctuation characters are allowed in the sn-gram. Used for testing. ''' answer = "" if ngram.count(",") > 0: answer = "NO" else: answer = "YES" return answer ###################### def len_Ngram(self, ngram): n = 1 n += ngram.count("[") n += ngram.count(",") n -= ngram.count("\[") n -= ngram.count("\,") return n ######################## def get_all_DepNgrams(self, sentence): ''' This method begins the process of getting all the sn-grams of the dependency tree ''' unigrams = [] #Auxiliar variable that contains all the unigrams combinations = [] #Auxiliar variable that contains all the combinations of a node with its children aux = [] log = set() if sentence.root_idx > 0: unigrams, combinations, log = self.get_subtrees (sentence)#Call this method first for obtaining all the posible subtrees if len(unigrams) > 0: self.DepNgrams.append([sentence.root_idx]) self.DepNgrams.extend(unigrams) #Adds the unigrams to the general container for item in combinations: #Adds the first sn-grams to the general container if self.min_size != 0 or self.max_size != 0: size = self.len_Ngram(self.prepare_SNgram(item[0], sentence, -1)) if size >= self.min_size and size <= self.max_size: #Check the size of the new sn-grams self.DepNgrams.append(copy.deepcopy(item[0])) if size < self.max_size: aux.append(item) else: self.DepNgrams.append(copy.deepcopy(item[0])) if self.min_size != 0 or self.max_size != 0: self.compound_sngrams(aux, sentence) #This function generates the rest of sn-grams else: self.compound_sngrams(combinations, sentence) else: line = "\tError, no root found\n" print(line) return(log) ###################### def store_all_DepNgrams(self, sentence, op): ''' This method stores the sn-grams in the container specified by the parameter "op" ''' if op == 0:#Acording with the params, the sngrams are stored in the container d = self.dicWordNgrams elif op == 1: d = self.dicSRTags elif op == 2: d = self.dicPOSTags elif op == 3: d = self.dicWordSR elif op == 4: d = self.dicWordPOS elif op == 5: d = self.dicSRWord elif op == 6: d = self.dicSRPOS elif op == 7: d = self.dicPOSWord elif op == 8: d = self.dicPOSSR for item in self.DepNgrams: ngram = self.prepare_SNgram (item, sentence, op) size = self.len_Ngram(ngram) dic = d[size-self.min_size] #Update the dictionary of SNgrams contained in the sample (frequency in the text) if (ngram in dic) > 0:#Update the frequency of the ngram dic[ngram] += 1 #If the sn-gram exists in the dictionary, update its frequency else: dic[ngram] = 1 #Otherwise, add the sn-gram to the dictionary ###################### def compound_sngrams(self, original, sentence): combinations = [] candidates = [] for combination in original: #This cycle initializes the list of combinations and list of candidates if len(combination[1]) > 0: size = self.len_Ngram(self.prepare_SNgram(combination[0], sentence, -1)) combinations.append([combination[0],combination[1],size]) if combination[0][0] != sentence.root_idx: size = self.len_Ngram(self.prepare_SNgram(combination[0], sentence, -1)) candidates.append([combination[0],combination[1],size]) while len(candidates) > 0: #In this cycle, select a sn-gram to be replaced in the rest of combinations candidate = candidates.pop(0) value = candidate[0][0] #Get the first number of the first candidate sn-gram for combination in combinations: if value in combination[1]: position = combination[0].index(value,2)#First get the position of the element sngram = copy.deepcopy(combination) sngram[0].pop(position) #Delete the element in the sn-gram sngram[0].insert(position,candidate[0]) #Insert the new part into the sn-gram sngram[1].remove(value) #Update its list of posible combinations sngram[2] = self.len_Ngram(self.prepare_SNgram(sngram[0], sentence, -1))#Obtain the size of the new sngram if (self.min_size > 0) and (self.max_size > 0): #Case when the user specifies the max and min size of sn-grams if sngram[2] in range(self.min_size, self.max_size+1):#Case when the sn-grams from the list substitution have to be inserted self.DepNgrams.append(copy.deepcopy(sngram[0])) #Update the list of all sn-grams if sngram[2] < self.max_size: if sngram[0][0] == sentence.root_idx: if len(sngram[1]) > 0: combinations.append(copy.deepcopy(sngram)) else: if len(sngram[1]) > 0: combinations.append(copy.deepcopy(sngram)) candidates.append(copy.deepcopy(sngram)) else: #Case when there is no restriction on the size of the sn-grams self.DepNgrams.append(copy.deepcopy(sngram[0])) #Update the list of all sn-grams if sngram[0][0] == sentence.root_idx: if len(sngram[1]) > 0: combinations.append(copy.deepcopy(sngram)) else: if len(sngram[1]) > 0: combinations.append(copy.deepcopy(sngram)) candidates.append(copy.deepcopy(sngram)) ###################### def get_subtrees (self, sentence): # A function that gets all the possible subtrees in the tree unigrams = [] #List of all possible unigrams combinations = [] #List of all possible combinations of nodes and their children counter = 0 #Counts the number of children inserted in the aux list aux = [] #Auxiliar variable that contains the highest number of children allowed log = set() #Variable that contains IDs of the nodes that have more children than it is allowed for node in self.subtrees: if self.max_num_children != 0: aux = [] #Reset the container for the next iteration counter = 0 #Reset the variable for the next iteration for child in sentence.children[node]: if self.min_size == 1 or self.min_size == 0 or self.max_size == 0: #This code obtains all unigrams of the sentence unigrams.append ([child]) aux.append(child) counter += 1 if counter > self.max_num_children: aux.pop() combinations.extend(self.get_next_combinations(node, aux, sentence))#We save new sn-grams in the global dictionary counter = 0 aux = [] aux.append(child) log.add(node) if len(aux) > 0: #Analyze the rest of the children combinations.extend(self.get_next_combinations(node, aux, sentence)) #We save new sn-grams in the global dictionary else: #In this case, there is no limitation on the number of children per node, so all the children are processed combinations.extend(self.get_next_combinations(node, sentence.children[node], sentence)) for child in sentence.children[node]: if self.min_size == 1 or self.min_size == 0 or self.max_size == 0:#This code obtains all unigrams of the sentence unigrams.append ([child]) return (unigrams, combinations, log) ###################### def get_next_combinations (self, value, children, sentence): ngram = [] #Auxiliary variable for storing the sn-gram options = [] #Auxiliary variable for storing the all the nodes that can be changed in a sn-gram combinations = [] #Auxiliary variable for generating a combination lista = [] #Auxiliary variable for all sn-grams during analysis of a sub-tree #Initialize the list of combinations for p in range(0, len(children)): combinations.append (0) #Generate sn-grams for r in range (1, len(children) + 1): for j in range (1, r + 1): combinations [j - 1] = j - 1 #################### The first combination options = [] ngram = [] ngram.append (value) ngram.append ("[") for z in range (0, r): ngram.append(children [combinations [z]]) if children[combinations[z]] not in sentence.leaves: options.append(children [combinations [z]]) ngram.append (",") ngram.pop (len(ngram) - 1) ngram.append ("]") lista.append (copy.deepcopy([ngram,options])) ################### The rest top = self.Combination (len(children), r) for j in range(2, top + 1): m = r val_max = len(children) while combinations [m - 1] + 1 == val_max: m -= 1 val_max -= 1 combinations [m - 1] += 1 for k in range (m + 1, r + 1): combinations [k - 1] = combinations [k - 2] + 1 options = [] ngram = [] ngram.append(value) ngram.append("[") for z in range(0, r): ngram.append (children [combinations [z]]) if children[combinations[z]] not in sentence.leaves: options.append(children [combinations [z]]) ngram.append (",") ngram.pop (len(ngram) - 1) ngram.append ("]") lista.append (copy.deepcopy([ngram,options])) return (lista) ###################### def Combination (self, sz, r): if sz == r: numerator = 1 else: numerator = sz for i in range (1, sz): numerator *= sz - i aux = r for i in range (1, r): aux *= r - i divisor = sz - r for i in range (1, sz - r): divisor *= sz - r - i numerator = numerator // (aux * divisor) return (numerator) ############ def process_one_sentence (lines, result, sent_num, f2, option2, dictionary, has_POS): print("Sentence " + str(sent_num)) result.process_sentence (lines, option2, dictionary,has_POS) #result.print_sngrams() result.write_all_sn_grams (f2,str(sent_num)) return sent_num + 1 ############### MAIN ################################ if __name__ == '__main__': encod = 'utf-8' #'utf-8' or other encoding like '1252' dictionary = [] #variable that contains the stop words #Cases: #python MultiSNGrams_3.py input output #Note: Default values are min_size = 2; max_size = 7; max_num_children = 5, option = 0 (word sn-grams), option2 = -1 (not prune) #python MultiSNGrams_3.py input output dictionary #Note: Default values are min_size = 2; max_size = 7; max_num_children = 5, option = 0 (word sn-grams), option2 = -1 (not prune) #python MultiSNGrams_3.py input output min_size max_size max_num_children option #python MultiSNGrams_3.py input output min_size max_size max_num_children option option2 dictionary if len(sys.argv) < 3: print("Usage with at least two parameters:") print("python SNGrams3.py input output") exit(1) elif len(sys.argv) > 9: print("Usage with at most eight parameters:") print("python SNGrams3.py input output dictionary min_size max_size max_num_children option") exit(1) elif len(sys.argv) not in [3,4,7,9]: print("Mising parameters") exit(1) input_file = sys.argv[1] output_file = sys.argv[2] #############These are parameters of configuration for the class BiSNgrams min_size = 2 #These are the parameters of configuration for the class BiSNgrams max_size = 7 max_num_children = 5 option = 0 #Type of sn-grams to be obtained: 0 for WORD sn-grams; 1 for sn-grams of SR Tags; 2 for POS tags; 3 for all types of sngrams #option = 0 for sngrams of words #option = 1 for sngrams of SR tags #option = 2 for sngrams of POS tags #option = 3 for Word/SR SNgrams #option = 4 for Word/POS SNgrams #option = 5 for SR/Word SNgrams #option = 6 for SR/POS SNgrams #option = 7 for POS/Word SNgrams #option = 8 for POS/SR SNgrams valid_options = [] #List of valid options according with the format of input text has_POS = 1 #Value of 1 indicates the input contains POS tags otherwise value of 0. Default value is 1 option2 = -1 #Valid only for prune trees: 1 for no stopwords; 2 for only stopwords if len(sys.argv) == 4: dictionary_file = sys.argv[3] option2 = 1 try: print(dictionary_file) f3 = codecs.open (dictionary_file, "rU", encoding = encod) #b - Binary, for Unix line endings for item in f3.readlines(): item = item.rstrip() dictionary.append(item) f3.close() if len(dictionary) == 0: print("ERROR: Empty dictionary") exit(1) except IOError as e: print(dictionary_file + "I/O error({0}): {1}".format(e.errno, e.strerror)) exit(1) if len(sys.argv) == 7: min_size = int(sys.argv[3]) #These are the parameters of configuration for the class BiSNgrams max_size = int(sys.argv[4]) max_num_children = int(sys.argv[5]) option = int(sys.argv[6]) #value 0: for sn-grams of words; #value 1: for sn-grams of sr tags; #value 2: for sn-grams of words and sr tags (equal to call with option 0 and then with option 1) if len(sys.argv) == 9: min_size = int(sys.argv[3]) #These are the parameters of configuration for the class BiSNgrams max_size = int(sys.argv[4]) max_num_children = int(sys.argv[5]) option = int(sys.argv[6]) option2 = int(sys.argv[7]) #value for the kind of prune of the tree dictionary_file = str(sys.argv[8]) #path of the stopwords dictionary try: print(dictionary_file) f3 = codecs.open (dictionary_file, "rU", encoding = encod) #b - Binary, for Unix line endings for item in f3.readlines(): item = item.rstrip() dictionary.append(item) f3.close() if len(dictionary) == 0: print("ERROR: Empty dictionary") exit(1) except IOError as e: print(dictionary_file + "I/O error({0}): {1}".format(e.errno, e.strerror)) exit(1) try: f1 = codecs.open (input_file, "rU", encoding = encod) #**Read the input file and identify the format (includes POS tags or not) first_ln = f1.readlines()[0] #print first_ln m = re.search('-[0-9]*\)', first_ln) #patron = re.compile(r'*[0-200])$') if m:#Case where there are NOT POS tags #print "No POS" valid_options = [0,1,3,5] has_POS = 0 if option not in valid_options: print("ERROR: The selected option requieres POS tags but the input file does not contain POS tags") print("Select one of the following options") print("option = 0 for sngrams of words") print("option = 1 for sngrams of SR tags") print("option = 3 for Word/SR SNgrams") print("option = 5 for SR/Word SNgrams") exit(1) #else:#Case where there are POS tags #print "Si POS" f1.close() f1 = codecs.open (input_file, "rU", encoding = encod) except IOError as e: print(input_file + "I/O error({0}): {1}".format(e.errno, e.strerror)) exit(1) try: f2 = codecs.open (output_file, "wb", encoding = encod) #b - Binary, for Unix line endings except IOError as e: print(output_file + "I/O error({0}): {1}".format(e.errno, e.strerror)) exit(1) sent_num = 1; result = BiSNgrams(min_size, max_size, max_num_children, option) lines = [] ###########Process the input file if has_POS == 1: #Case where the POS tags are included in the input file print("Case with POS tags") flag = 0 #Auxiliar variable that helps to parse the text for ln in f1.readlines(): #if (not ln) or (ln == ""): # break; ln = ln.strip() if ln == "":#Var flag counts the empty lines in the text flag+=1 else: lines.append(ln) if flag == 2: if len (lines) > 0: sent_num = process_one_sentence (lines, result, sent_num, f2, option2, dictionary, has_POS) del lines [:] flag = 0 ###################### else: #Case where there are NO POS tags in the input file print("Case with no POS tags detected") while True : ln = f1.readline () #print ln if (not ln) or (ln == ""): break; ln = ln.strip() if ln == "": #Sentences are separated by EMPTY line if len (lines) > min_size: sent_num = process_one_sentence (lines, result, sent_num, f2, option2, dictionary, has_POS) del lines [:] else: lines.append (ln) ######################### #print lines if len(lines) > 0: #Last piece in previous (while) sent_num = process_one_sentence (lines, result, sent_num, f2, option2, dictionary, has_POS) f1.close () f2.close () print("Done.")